Writing the AP Style Long Essay Question (LEQ) Conquering the Thesis
A three step process Analyze the question Organize the evidense Develop the Thesis
Step 1: Analyze the Question Define the Tasks Define the Terms
Tasks The parts of the question/prompt that tell you what to do. Assess/Evaluate: judge the value or character of something; appraise; weigh the positive and negative points; give an opinion regarding the value of; discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Discuss: write about; consider or examine by argument or from various points of view; debate; present the different sides of Describe: give an account of; tell about; give a word picture of Analyze: determine various factors or component parts and examine their nature and relationship Compare: examine for the purpose of noting similarities and differences Explain: make clear or plain; make clear the causes or reasons for; makeknown in detail; tell the meaning of
Terms Terms tell you what to discuss. Terms specify the topic. Terms focus the subject of the question.
Example prompts: Identify the Tasks & terms Analyze and assess the factors that contributed to the Mongol conquest of western Asia. Tasks: analyze, assess Terms: factors, Mongols, conquest, western Asia
Step 2: Organize the Evidence Brainstorm the evidence. Organize the evidence into (effective) categories.
Brainstorm the evidence List specific facts, bits, and details that you think might apply to the Terms you identified. These specific facts will serve as pieces of evidence for your essay. Try to list as many relevant & specific pieces of evidence that you can recall. Pieces of evidence should clarify or elaborate on the Terms you identified.
Example Brainstorming using prompt Analyze and assess the factors that contributed to the Mongol conquest of western Asia. Mongols: (Mongol) Conquest: Western Asia:
Example Brainstorming using prompt Analyze and assess the factors that contributed to the Mongol conquest of western Asia. Mongols: Genghis Khan, steppes, horses, warriors, archery, saddles, stirrups, terror/fear, nomads, pastoralist/herders, yurts, fast, merciless, tolerant (Mongol) Conquest: Yuan Dynasty, Golden Horde, largest land empire Western Asia: Silk roads, arid, Mediterranean, Russia/Kiev, Ottoman, Byzantines
Organize the evidence into categories Create categories with your pieces of evidence that can be applied to the Tasks & Terms. Categories could be based on themes, concepts, & characteristics that demonstrate your understanding of the Terms. Think about the connections between the Tasks & Terms. You should have at minimum 2-3 Categories. Each Category should have 2-3 specific pieces of evidence.
Example Categories from Brainstorming Sedentary enemies were unprepared for battle with tough steppe warriors. Genghis Khan united all Mongol clans. Genghis Khan treated all his soldiers & conquered peoples fairly Mongols sought economic advantage through trade and battle.
Step 3: Develop the thesis Your Thesis should state why or how you will complete the Tasks within the body of your essay by using the Terms. Your Thesis must address the Terms of the prompt explicitly and directly, and it must outline the Categories of evidence you will use. Your Thesis will not use specific pieces of evidence but only the Categories of evidence.
Example Thesis Analyze and assess the factors that contributed to the Mongol conquest of western Asia. Thesis: The success of the Mongol armies in western Asia can be attributed to their economic motivation and determination, the comparative strength of Mongol warriors o their sedentary enemies, and the strength of character of their leader, Genghis Khan.