Substitution – With a Calculator – Versus B In this competitive activity, students compare the values of attributes on cards. The winner is the student with the highest-value attribute. You can choose the variable values and differentiate by giving groups/individuals different variables to use (positive/negative/fractional). This activity can be completed as a whole class, within groups (2+) of students, or with the teacher playing versus the entire class (with one card each). As a whole class, one half of the students can stay in their seats (with a mini-whiteboard and/or calculator).
Printing To print handouts from slides - Select the slide from the left. Then click: File > Print > ‘Print Current Slide’ To print multiple slides - Click on a section title to highlight all those slides, or press ‘Ctrl’ at the same time as selecting slides to highlight more than one. Then click: File > Print > ‘Print Selection’ To print double-sided handouts - Slides must be placed next to each other and both highlighted before using ‘Print Selection’. Choose ‘Print on Both Sides’ and ‘Flip on Short Edge’.
you can’t use that same attribute vs. If you lost last, you can’t use that same attribute with your new card! Find someone to challenge! The person who lost last (or lowest number) chooses the attribute to compare. Find out who wins! (If it’s a draw the other person chooses an attribute.) Swap cards and find someone to challenge! Record the amount of wins you get!
vs. In your groups, compare characters to see who wins. Youngest player chooses the attribute to compare first. Find out who wins! (If it’s a draw another person chooses an attribute.) Whoever has the highest value gets the other cards. Continue until one player has all the cards!
𝑎=1 𝑎=2 𝑐=1.4 𝑏=2.5 𝑑=−3 𝑎=4.5 𝑏= 2 3 𝑏=3.5 𝑐=2 𝑐=−0.5 𝑑=3 𝑑=−2 Variables 𝑎=1 𝑎=2 𝑐=1.4 𝑏=2.5 𝑑=−3 𝑎=4.5 𝑏= 2 3 𝑏=3.5 𝑐=2 𝑐=−0.5 Change according to differentiation wanted. 𝑑=3 𝑑=−2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Jander Sclarf Qwert Svivel Omng Hard Work =2𝑎2 Courage =2𝑎𝑑 Teamwork = 3𝑐2 2 Mindset =3𝑐+2𝑏 Hard Work =𝑏2 Courage = 2𝑏+𝑎 2 Teamwork =3(𝑐−𝑑) Mindset =3𝑎2 Hard Work =𝑑2+ 𝑎 2 Courage =4𝑎𝑐 Teamwork =2𝑐2 Mindset =𝑑−2𝑎 Hard Work =2𝑏+𝑑 Courage =𝑏2+2𝑎 Teamwork = 4𝑎 3 Mindset =3(𝑏+𝑎) Hard Work =2𝑎2 Courage =4+ 𝑏 2 Teamwork =2(5−𝑏) Mindset =𝑏2 6 7 8 9 10 Klix Sklurb Blosh Wurble Roglow Hard Work =𝑎+2𝑐 Courage =2(𝑏+𝑑) Teamwork =𝑐2−𝑏 Mindset = 𝑐2 2 Hard Work =3𝑐−𝑎2 Courage =𝑏2−3𝑐 Teamwork =2𝑏𝑐 Mindset = 4𝑐+𝑏 2 Hard Work =3𝑐2 Courage =𝑎𝑏2 Teamwork =3+ 3𝑎 2 Mindset = 𝑏+3𝑎 Hard Work =5−𝑐 Courage = 𝑑2 3 Teamwork =𝑐−𝑏 Mindset =3𝑐 Hard Work = 𝑐 2 Courage =𝑑2−2𝑐 Teamwork =2−𝑏 Mindset =3𝑏2 11 12 13 14 15 Twergle Glurp Xenus Fliggle Hoply Hard Work =𝑐2 Courage =3𝑏 Teamwork =𝑎2𝑏 Mindset = 6+2𝑐 2 Hard Work =−3𝑎2 Courage =4(𝑐+𝑑) Teamwork =10− 2𝑐 3 Mindset =3𝑏2 Hard Work =2(𝑑+𝑏) Courage = 3𝑎 2 Teamwork =−3𝑐2 Mindset =2𝑎2 Hard Work = 4𝑎 2 Courage =2(𝑑−𝑐) Teamwork =3𝑎2 Mindset =2𝑐𝑑 Hard Work =2𝑎−𝑏 Courage =𝑏2+𝑐 Teamwork =𝑐2𝑑 Mindset = 6𝑎 3
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Zooms Trex Asderf Swixel Umngh Hard Work =2𝑎2 Courage =3𝑑 Teamwork = 4𝑑 2 Mindset =3(𝑑−𝑏) Hard Work =2𝑏−𝑐 Courage = 𝑏2 2 Teamwork =2𝑎2 Mindset =5−2𝑐 Hard Work = 4𝑎 2 Courage =3𝑐2 Teamwork =2(𝑏+𝑑) Mindset =3𝑎+𝑏 Hard Work =3𝑐2+𝑎 Courage =𝑑−𝑐 Teamwork = 𝑎+𝑑2 2 Mindset =3(𝑑−𝑎) Hard Work =3𝑐2 Courage = 𝑐 2 Teamwork =3𝑎𝑏 Mindset =𝑎2𝑑 21 22 23 24 25 Klif Skloob Blash Wibly Roklow Hard Work =𝑐−2𝑏 Courage =2(𝑐−𝑑) Teamwork =3𝑑2 Mindset =4+ 4𝑐 2 Hard Work =2𝑏2 Courage =5𝑐−6 Teamwork =3(𝑐−𝑑) Mindset = 4+𝑐2 2 Hard Work =0.5𝑐2 Courage =2(𝑎−𝑑) Teamwork =3𝑎+ 𝑐 2 Mindset =𝑐2 Hard Work =2𝑏2 Courage = 4+2𝑎 2 Teamwork =2𝑏𝑐2 Mindset =𝑎−𝑐 Hard Work =2𝑏+ 𝑑 2 Courage =3𝑐2 Teamwork =3𝑏𝑐 Mindset =3(𝑐−𝑑) 26 27 28 29 30 Triggle Glorp Xenon Fluggle Hiply Hard Work =3𝑎2 Courage =𝑐2−2𝑏 Teamwork =2𝑑−𝑎 Mindset = 2𝑐+4𝑏 2 Hard Work =3(𝑏+𝑎) Courage =10−𝑎2 Teamwork = 𝑑2 2 Mindset =𝑐−2𝑎 Hard Work =0.5𝑏2 Courage = 6𝑎 3 Teamwork =2𝑑−𝑏2 Mindset =3𝑐−𝑏 Hard Work =5+ 𝑏 2 Courage =3𝑑2 Teamwork =−2𝑏 Mindset =𝑎𝑏𝑐 Hard Work =𝑎−2𝑐 Courage =𝑐+𝑑2 Teamwork =−3𝑎2 Mindset = 𝑎+𝑏 2 Questions? Comments? Suggestions? …or have you found a mistake!? Any feedback would be appreciated . Please feel free to email: