Table 1. Students` responses Students school A We help each other. Teachers tell us to help those who don’t understand well. We do activities together Students school B We are sometimes separated from other students. We play together during break time Student school C Sometimes I don’t have anybody to play with Student school D I don’t like school because I have to behave all the time. Some teachers shout on us and we are told to sit in front. Outside I do a lot of activities with others Student school E Teachers punish me because I disturb. Student school F School is boring and I have no one to play with and when you have to sit quiet all the time and listen to the teacher Student school G I like gymnastics and when we are playing football Student School H All my friends are girls because the boys don’t like to play with me Student school I I tell others not to tease my friend just because she has problems Student school J I help my friend in the class because he does not always understand Awal Mohammed Alhassan et al. Implementation of Inclusive Education in Ghanaian Primary Schools: A Look at Teachers` Attitudes. American Journal of Educational Research, 2014, Vol. 2, No. 3, 142-148. doi:10.12691/education-2-3-5 © The Author(s) 2014. Published by Science and Education Publishing.