RIPE70, Amsterdam May 13th 2015 Florence lavroff and Remco van Mook Connect WG RIPE70, Amsterdam May 13th 2015 Florence lavroff and Remco van Mook
Agenda Agenda, Scribe, Introductions Minutes from RIPE69 0. Opening Agenda, Scribe, Introductions Minutes from RIPE69 Update on IX member list schema (Nick Hilliard & Elisa Jasinska) European IXP Topography (Kurtis Lindqvist and John Souter) Update on CDN Best Practices (Florence Lavroff) Open-IX – Building a new community event (Keith Mitchell) 7. IXPs in Developing Markets Euro-IX support Programs (Bijal Sanghani) ISOC IXP Development Program (Jane Coffin) African Innovation (Andrew Owens) Panel Session Feedback, Open Microphone Close