Middle Colonies
New York - Origin Henry Hudson – Sailing for the Dutch (Netherlands) in 1609 The Dutch wanted NY to be a trading post Looked to join the fur trade with Iroquois Natives Originally called “New Netherlands” formed from the core of Manhattan which had been purchased from the Native Americans by Peter Minuit for trinkets. Became the capital of New Netherland.
New York – Becoming English By 1664, English bring 4 warships with the intent to take New Amsterdam New Amsterdam very diverse, most not even Dutch at this point – so English agreed to allow citizens to keep their trade rights. New Amsterdam was surrendered without a fight. The English government renamed the town, New York, after James, Duke of York. He was given control of the colony of New Netherland.
New Jersey Originally, the territory of NJ and NY were together, but it was too large for the Duke of York to govern Split between 2 of his friends – Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret The name of the colony comes from the Isle of Jersey, Carteret's birthplace. Got people to come by promising religious freedom and a representative government Became a place of religious diversity – Puritans, Quakers, Baptists, and Protestants
Pennsylvania “The Holy Experiment” William Penn the Quaker Quakers were persecuted in England Individual relationship with God instead of strict hierarchies of other churches Pacifists – would not fight in wars Looking for religious freedom – called Pennsylvania “The Holy Experiment” King Charles II of England owed money to Penn’s father and ALSO wanted to get rid of the Quakers, so he gave Penn a charter for land in March of 1681
Frame of Government of Pennsylvania a harmonious society, unhampered by intolerance, would be a prosperous society as well. Created a framework for governing that made sure no one took absolute power and met peoples’ needs Balance of power Freedom of religion Penn also argued that colonists should pay natives for land they took and be kind Led to better relations with natives
Delaware founded in 1638 by European colonists from the Netherlands and Sweden. Served as a trading post for early settlers Linked to Pennsylvania once English take over Delaware first considered “lower country Pennsylvania” Delaware stayed a part of Pennsylvania from 1682-1701 Officially split because it was far from the capital of Pennsylvania so better to just make a separate colony
Connections to Penn Pennsylvania’s Frame of Government attracted many people from all over the world to Pennsylvania/Delaware This is why a lot of Swedish and Dutch lived in Delaware. Not only did Delaware continue to serve as a place for trade, but it adopted many of the religious freedoms from the Pennsylvania Frame of Government.