Developing Tools for MIRE-FDE Data Collection on Non-State Roadways 2019 Traffic Records Forum Austin, TX August 5th, 2019 Photo credit: flickr Creative Commons, Nicolas Raymond, Omar Smadi
Project Objectives The objective of this FHWA project is to develop an informational guide and data collection/verification/update tools to enable agencies to meet the MAP-21 and FAST acts requirements to improve safety. The purpose of the guide and tools will be to facilitate data collection on non-State-owned roadways by giving the agencies definitive guidance on how to collect and integrate with broader statewide systems, provide tools that can be applied during collection, and to initiate collection efforts through in-person onsite trainings.
Proposed Data Exchange State to Local agency
Proposed Data Exchange Local agency to State
The Process Develop data standards Draft tools: Conduct pilot testing: MIRE based Definitions State input Draft tools: Excel based spreadsheet Open source GIS Conduct pilot testing: CT DOT (complete) Looking for a second pilot state
The Process (cont.) Technical Assistance Finalize tools Develop the guide Additional technical assistance? (based on available funding from FHWA)
Technical Assistance Process: Work with the state DOTs and regional/local agencies Establish data needs Provide technical assistance to use the tools Provide hands-on training and support Implement the tools Support the data integration Process: 3 states are budgeted (CT will be the first) Work FHWA (Stuart Thompson) - (202) 366 - 8090
Technical Assistance CT DOT: One local agency: One regional agency: Small town Utilize the spreadsheet tool One regional agency: Large MPO Utilize the GIS tool Input and feedback regarding: Data requirements Effort required Usability
Data Standards
Data Standards
The Tools Setup Google Earth and KML Paths
The Tools Segment entry form
The Tools
The Tools
Loaded Data
The Tools
The Tools
The Tools
Questions! Omar Smadi