Mrs. Olano’s Class Welcome to SCIENCE Welcome to 5th Grade! Teacher Contact Info We love Math! Math SCIENCE LANGUAGE ARTS, READING, AND SOCIAL STUDIES Ms. Benavides will be teaching these subjects to your child. Please make sure you view her website as well. You can always reach me by email and I will also be using class dojo this year for homework. StudentSavvy © 2015 Students should enter fifth grade with great knowledge, especially knowing their basic facts, including multiplication tables. Additional concepts include decimals, graphing and patterns, fractions, geometry and volume. Students will be assessed using quizzes and chapter tests. They will receive daily homework as well as weekly IXL assignments. Each chapter in math builds on the previous, so if your child is absent it is very important for them to check in with me for any missing work/notes. Ms. Solernou will be teaching science to your child this year. Please make sure to check her website frequently I am happy to welcome you to the 2019-2020 school year. I am looking forward to a great school year! I’m also looking forward to partnering with you to ensure your child will achieve their highest potential. In order to be successful in school, our scholars need support from both home and school. As partners we share the responsibility for our students’ success and I want you to know that I will be working hard each day to make that happen.
Class Dojo Home Learning Let’s Have a Great Year!!! StudentSavvy © 2015 Home Learning Student Expectations Class Dojo Be at school on time and ready to begin. Have all supplies on a daily basis (journal, notebooks, crayons, pencils, scissors, pens, glue, etc.) Copy your homework down in your agenda daily and look at the website. Complete all classwork and home learning assignments. Keep notebooks, work space and back-packs organized and neat. Be involved in class and ask questions if you are not sure about something. Follow all classroom, laboratory and school rules. Deliver all notices to your parents, and return any forms, monies, and signed documents by date requested. When absent, please make sure to bring a note when you return (excused absence) to your homeroom teacher. Comply with school uniform regulations. I will be using this program in order to track homework completion only. For every 5 points students will receive 2 loot. You can also contact me using class dojo. If I send out class wide messages, I usually do so over email and in the Class Dojo system. In class students will have the opportunity to earn loot and buy rewards with it when they show good behavior. Students are responsible for writing their home learning in their agenda daily and ensuring the necessary materials (i.e. correct book) are placed in their book bag prior to leaving the class for the day. Mathematics homework will be assigned daily and students are expected to complete it and turn it in each day. I update the class website every Monday with class goals, important/assessment dates and homework. Therefore, please check it often throughout the week. Students may receive detentions and drop in effort grades for multiple incompletes. Let’s Have a Great Year!!! · Computer Programs Absences in Math Math IXL will be assigned each Monday. Students will have 1 week to complete IXL. They must work to 80% to be complete. This program is very important for reinforcing concepts from class and to give students time to practice new skills.. IXL completion will be reflected in effort grades. All user names and passwords will be given throughout the first weeks of school. If absent, kindly contact a student or look at the website and make up any missed work within the allotted time. If you miss a benchmark test or quiz set a date for making it up. This can be done before school on some days, or during class time if necessary.