What are you excited about for Spring Break? If you would like to feature any of your art or talents in class, let me know! Art by Samuel E. What are you excited about for Spring Break? This session will be recorded and distributed for learning purposes. Learning purposes include: a lesson review for students who are absent, students who want to review for a test, teacher growth and improvement etc.
Art by Emily A.
Notebooks Pens/pencils/highlighters Google Tabs Open and Ready! Assigned CCs (Check My Schedule Tab) Assignments (WEEKLY PLANNER!)
State Testing Days, Locations CONFIRM YOUR TESTING ASSIGNMENT TODAY! Art by Rosie C
Parent, Teacher, Student Conferences All conference times are assigned. Conferences will be 4/2-4/5 Art by Rosie C
Dates To Remember 3/25-4/1 SPRING BREAK next week! Return TUESDAY 4/2! 4/2-4/5 Parent Teacher Conferences for Quarter 3 (sign-up link emailed) Homeroom ONLY from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Daily 4/3-4/10 Interim Assessments 4/8-4/19: Homeroom ONLY from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Daily 4/12 Outing to Long Beach Japanese Gardens 4/22 Return to Regular Schedule (30 minute sessions of Math with Ms. Perez and English with Dr. A, plus homeroom on Mondays and History & Science on Fridays) 4/22-5/24 State Testing 6/14 Last Day of School Art by Rosie C
Goals for Our Session Increase our knowledge about: 1 Goals for Our Session Increase our knowledge about: 1. Civil Rights Movement 2. Supreme Court
Some southern schools CLOSED or REFUSED to integrate Some whites were afraid to disagree with segregation In some states, integration went smoothly Little Rock, AK school still segregated after 3 years
President Eisenhower ordered federal troops to escort African American students into schools because Arkansas governor refused to allow integration. This showed the federal government supported integration.
Great-Grandson of a slave
Are you on target? Use your pointer to let us know! Green: I’ve got it! Orange: I’m getting it! Blue: I’m not quite sure about this!
Exit Ticket: Type into the Chat When is your next class connect? See you Tuesday, April 2 for Homeroom and Conferences!