We have had a This Weeks skills: Class Wish List Item: August 12, 2019 We have had a great start to our school year! We are working on our daily routine, procedures and rules. They are all doing a great job being rockstar 1st graders!! This Weeks skills: Reading: What is a Fiction story, predictions, 3 ways to read a book Phonics: we will be reviewing consonants, vowels and sounds this week. Spelling words/assessment will start next week. Math: making and reading graphs, addition facts 1-10 Theme: Rules and procedures and Communities Mark Your Calendar Aug. 20- School Picture Day Aug. 22-Curriculum Night 5:30-7:00 Sept. 2-Labor Day/No School Sept. 11-GLOW fundraiser Kickoff Sept. 13-progress reports go home Sept. 17-STEM NIGHT/Title 1 Info Sept. 20th-end of Glow fundraiser Sept. 27-AHS Football Night for AEEC/OES students. Samford Stadium @ 6:15 EXTRA! EXTRA! Please remember to send a healthy snack each day. No peanut products for snack or lunch please! We eat lunch at 11:05. You are welcome to join us for lunch starting after Labor Day. . Weekly folders will go home on Mondays. Please look through the folder and fill out and send back any forms and the blue Folder on Tuesday. Class Wish List Item: Ear buds or head phones for your child to use with an IPAD or computer Thank you all for sending in your child’s supplies! High Frequency Words: him, had, and, sit, has (Please practice these words with your child each week. They should be able to read them to me. ) First Grade Fun!! We love to have fun while we are learning in 1st grade!! Some fun things planned for the year are Magic Mondays and Take a Trip Tuesday (go on a virtual field trip). I am excited about his year and all of the fun activities we have planned with our year of learning. A note from the teacher: I added all of your email addresses you gave me and sent an email last week with some group pictures. If you did not receive an email and would like to be added please let me know. Please feel free to contact me anytime! 887-4950 or msgeorge@auburnschools.org We are going to have a great year! ~ Meredith