Patient 2. Patient 2. Additional MR images.A–C, Follow-up image (A) obtained 15 days after surgical intervention shows reduced size of the abscess cavity.


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Presentation transcript:

Patient 2. Patient 2. Additional MR images.A–C, Follow-up image (A) obtained 15 days after surgical intervention shows reduced size of the abscess cavity. Corresponding DW image (B) shows hyperintensity in the abscess cavity with a decreased ADC to 0.76 × 10 −3mm 2/s (C), indicating reappearance of pus. Second drainage was performed 1 day later.D–F, Forty days after second intervention, follow-up images show resolution of the abscess cavity, with residual hypointensity on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image and no abnormality on DW images. Fabiola W. Cartes-Zumelzu et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2004;25:1310-1317 ©2004 by American Society of Neuroradiology