CALWORKS STAFF Diego Silva Counselor/Coordinator Kristina Sanchez STAFF MEMBER TITLE Diego Silva Counselor/Coordinator Kristina Sanchez Counselor Julie Tieu Anacany Torres Jennifer Durand Student Services Assistant Joyce Hsiao Nubia Figueroa Clerk II Denise Perez Clerk III
TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF Where are you from? How many kids do you have? II How many kids do you have? III What are you interested in studying? And where do you see yourself in four years? IV How can CALWORKs Rio Hondo help you? TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF
The mission of the Rio Hondo College CalWORKs Program is to empower low-income parenting students impacted by social and economic barriers to find lifelong success. This is achieved through services, resources, and opportunities that allow students to complete their educational goals, so that they can successfully transition into the workforce and achieve economic self-sufficiency. MISSION STATEMENT
CALWORKS PARTICIPANT SELF INITITATED PARTICIPANT (SIP) NON-SIP VOCATIONAL PARTICIPANT (VOC) SIP ( Self Initiated Participants) are educational programs that students find on their own and enroll in before being required to participate in welfare-to- work activities. Criteria for SIP approval: The student is enrolled in the program at the time of their CalWORKs welfare-to-work appraisal appointment. The program leads to an undergraduate degree or certificate, or a California teaching credential. All SIP participants will be required to complete supervised study time to meet their 20, 30, or 35 hour participation requirement. Participants not registered in an educational institution but would like to obtain an education as opposed to participating in job club. Criteria for Non-SIPs: Attend assessment appointment to determine educational goal. From that assessment appointment, non-SIP participant will have the option to choose from two career goals. Non-SIP participants are required to complete 20, 30, or 35 hours of participation, but it is not required to be supervised.
CALWORKS REQUIREMENTS I. NOA/VOB - Provide proof that you are receiving Cash Aid through Notice of Action or Verification of Benefits II. INTAKE APPT - Print Class Schedule - Complete Daily Schedule - Complete Ancillary Request III. COUNSELING APPT - Student Educational Plan - Monthly Attendance Report - Training Verification - Progress Report
Hours of Participation FRIENDLY REMINDER Hours of Participation Unless EXEMPT, all students must complete a set amount of participation hours, including Summer and Winter breaks Weekly Hours of Participation Single adult with a child under 6 years old 20 Single adult with no children under 6 years old 30 Two-parent families 35 Number of Adults in the Family (Assistance Unit)
- The Intake Form is required each semester to make sure the CalWORKs office has your most updated information. - Make sure you answer EVERY question, initial, and sign the form or it may delay the processing of your paperwork. INTAKE FORM
STUDENT DETAIL SCHEDULE - Print out your Detail Schedule on your AccessRio account. - Only enroll in classes approved by the CalWORKs counselor. STUDENT DETAIL SCHEDULE
STUDENT DAILY SCHEDULE Complete the Daily Schedule based on the classes you are taking each semester. Complete form in PENCIL and sign in PEN You can also add 1 hour of study time (aka Tutorial lab) for each hour you are in class per week. Courses must be approved by CalWORKs Counselor and GSW. STUDENT DAILY SCHEDULE
ANCILLARY REQUEST FORM Use this form to request College fees e.g. (health, College, & parking), required textbooks and supplies. Take original receipts to Gain Service Worker (GSW) ASAP.
RECEIPTS (for purchased items) - The student must submit the Ancillary Request form and, at a later date, submit original receipts to their GSWs. Most GSWs require that you turn in receipts within 10 business days of purchase. - It is advised that you keep copies. FYI: Before ancillary expense payments are authorized, the need for an item or service, and the cost of the item/service must be verified. For this reason, we ask you to attach a copy of your syllabus, if possible, for any unusual items. BASIC SUPPLIES GAIN will provide you with $60 for basic supplies e.g. pencils, erasers, notebooks, etc. for Fall & Spring Semesters. Receipts are NOT required for the $60.
STUDENT EDUCATIONAL PLAN Each semester students must meet with a CalWORKs counselor - The sessions are designed to assist students to stay on track to accomplish their educational/career goals - Abbreviated Student Educational Plan consists of 1 – 2 semesters Revise Student Educational Plan to match semester enrollment for Financial Aid purposes and to process Book and Supply Request Form. Online Courses There needs to be a good reason for taking online courses (only one offered, late enrollment). Please seek counselor approval Extension Letter - When is an extension letter needed? - Extension letter is based on student educational plan
MONTHLY ATTENDANCE REPORT (MAR – GN 6365) The MAR is a self report of participation hours that must be completed each month Form completed in PENCIL and signed in PEN Please arrive 10 minutes early to complete your documents Receive a Meal Voucher for completing your MAR MONTHLY ATTENDANCE REPORT (MAR – GN 6365)
TRAINING VERIFICATION FORM Student completes top portion This form is used child care providers EACH semester. It verifies the student’s semester class schedule. You must be enrolled in classes and have completed the daily schedule for that semester.
WORK IN PROGRESS FORM (WIP) The WIP form will be emailed to you from the CalWORKs Office every Fall and Spring semester. Your instructors will complete it to let us know how you are doing in your classes. This form will allow the CalWORKs counselors to complete the Progress Report.
PROGRESS REPORT You must meet with a counselor to have the form completed You must sign the form and provide your phone number You are required to report how you are doing in your classes every 3 months Two unsatisfactory Progress Reports may result in a sanction
PROBATION ACADEMIC PROGRESS When you have attempted at least 12 units and not maintained an overall GPA of 2.0 GPA is below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters GPA is calculated on a cumulative basis. When you have completed less than 50% of the units you have enrolled Below 50% completion for 2 consecutive semesters Unsuccessful completion of: Withdraws (Ws) and Not Passing (NP) This is based on total units
FRIENDLY REMINDER There are a number of GAIN requirements that ALL CalWORKs students must meet: You need to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress You can only enroll in classes that are required for your certificate and/or degree program. GAIN may NOT pay for classes that are NOT required for your educational goal GAIN will not count any hours towards your participation hours for classes that are NOT required for your educational goal listed on your GN 6005/GN 6006 form. GAIN may not pay for books for repeated classes. If you are part of EOP&S you can not request the same books twice. Do all forms in pencil and sign in pen Schedule your appointments early. You have only a 10 minute grace period to show up to your appointment!
Psychological Services RESOURCES Child Care DSPS Transfer Center Financial Aid Student Health Office EOP&S/CARE Library - Tutoring Career Center Psychological Services
MORE SERVICES LAPTOP LOAN PROGRAM - You can borrow a laptop to take home - Limited to 1 week COMPUTER LAB - Use it to complete your required study time or print homework
FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid Apply for Financial Aid starting OCTOBER 1st Priority Deadline is MARCH 2nd to be eligible for Cal Grants and other additional grants Select Yes for Work Study when applying FAFSA Appeals Financial Aid office to provide any documentation for unusual circumstances
WORK STUDY - FAFSA The CalWORKs Work Study Program allows students the opportunity to attend school and to earn money through employment at on-campus sites. To be eligible for the work study program, students must: Be receiving cash aid for themselves (not just children) Have a 2.0 grade point average Be enrolled in at least 6 units for Fall/Spring and for Winter/Summer must be enrolled in at least 1 unit of credit Have current verification of benefits on file in the CalWORKs Office. Money earned through work study does not effect your cash aid, nor your financial aid eligibility. Hours worked are arranged around your school and family responsibilities.
TIPS FOR SUCCESS Time management is key: Keep track of important deadlines such as priority registration date and class drop date. Develop a relationship with your CalWORKs counselors: It is important to work with the counselor as you make your plans for class selection, graduation, transfer, etc. Check your email often: Email is the main way Rio Hondo communicates important information Apply for financial aid: Applications may completed beginning October 1st. Make grades a priority: Set high expectations for yourself and take advantage of student success resources, like the library, writing center, and more. Make new friends: Get to know other students in and outside of classes – share resources, ideas and experiences. Join a campus club or get involved with Student Government
Monday 8:00 to 5:00 Tuesday 8:00 to 5:00 Wednesday 8:00 to 5:00 Monday 8:00 to 5:00 Tuesday 8:00 to 5:00 Wednesday 8:00 to 5:00 Thursday 8:00 to 5:00 Friday 8:00 to 2:00 CALWORKS OFFICE - SS220 3600 Workman Mill RD, Whittier, CA 90601 (562) 463-7311