Budget 2002/03 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry and the Select Committee on Economic and Foreign Affairs 23 - 04 – 2002
Planning process at the dti Level 1 – Government wide interventions from Lekgotla Level 2 – the dti contribution to interventions Level 3 – business plans of business units
Programmes at the dti Sectors Clothing and textiles Chemicals and Biotech Automotive and transport industries Cultural Industries Agro-processing Tourism ICT Mining, metals and mineral beneficiation Cross cutters Technology HRD BEE SMME Infrastructure/ Logistics Finance Industrial Participation Policy Coordination Regulation Competitive market access Geographic Africa & Nepad
Budgeting process Programme budgets sum up to total dti budget Resource allocation based on priority projects and offerings Funds allocated to implementing business units for project Budget at dti primarily for projects
Transfer payments Business plans of Agencies must support the key programmes of the dti Budget focused on offerings and products Resource allocation based on impact of offering Split transfer payment from performance review
Budget 2002/03 R1 096m goes to firms
Budget distribution between divisions
Management of Performance The dti – direct measurement of performance based on targets and impact on the economy Transfer payments – the targeted performance will be included in shareholder compacts Quarterly performance reviews and reports critical
Performance Areas Economic growth Employment Exports Investment SMME BEE Women Owned Enterprises Competitiveness Geographic spread