Testing Task Force process overview Doc: MTS(19)077011 Source: ETSI Secretariat (CTI) Agenda item: CTI/MTS For: Information Testing Task Force process overview Ultan Mulligan Anthony Wiles TC MTS#77
New STF/TTF budget process New process described & agreed in BOARD(19)121_18r3 and annexes, and GA(19)73_012r1 Split testing & methodology STFs into new Testing Task Force (TTF) budget Annual budgets for STFs and TTFs, variable year to year Simplified Terms of Reference documents Testing Task Forces Secretariat (CTI) to develop annual budget proposal and multi-annual testing roadmap for OCG & Board consultation in September Annual budget decided by GA in November DG decides on creation of each TTF Based on results of OCG & Board consultation, after budget agreed at GA Board approval no longer required. Full ToRs still required Regular reporting in January, June & September to OCG & Board on finance, progress, roadmap updates
Testing Task Force (TTF) Process implementation #1 June 2019: Reminder call for TTF Requests Announcement at OCG Workshop, 11 June Need a ‘TTF Request’ form submitted by TBs/ISGs Simplified STF ToR but with sufficient detail to develop 2020 budget
Testing Task Force (TTF) Process implementation #2 September 2019: CTI Documents for OCG, Board 2020 budget proposal for GA in November Requires sufficient detail of projects, costs, start dates and timescales to justify budget Forward looking (3 year) Multi-Annual Roadmap of technical priorities Committees/standards/protocols/technologies for which testing should be funded Take into account multi-annual testing programmes, continuation of projects already started No budget projections required, only a list of priority areas Priority list can be updated through the year
Testing Task Force (TTF) Process implementation #3 October 2019 onwards: Full Terms of Reference of TTFs delivered November GA: budget based upon real TTF/STF needs, not fixed annual sum DG approves start of each TTF, if in annual budget and ToR available TTFs run like STFs, with STFLink support as usual NOTE: TTF budget also covers methodologies (TC MTS) STF process similar, but with Board decision (not DG) on each STF in September, and no multi-annual roadmap EC-Funded projects still possible, will use STF process