BES: Data Analysis & CER Writing June 5, 2019


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Presentation transcript:

BES: Data Analysis & CER Writing June 5, 2019 Please get your laptop and journal out.

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Journal Check due Friday, June 7th 61 points!!! Make sure you have all necessary information in your journal. Go to Ms. Jarvis’ SWIFT site to find missing information HIGHLIGHT all dates and titles of lessons Add page numbers Self-assess your work. Make sure the journal check form matches your journal.

RESEARCH is KEY! Do some research for your CER if you want an “A”! This is a TEST grade! 48 points for your CER. As an assessment, you need to tell me everything you know about phytoremediation in your REASONING section!

CER (on Steroids) due on Friday! AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS! Take pictures or record data from other teams that can help support your claim. Your claim is your hypothesis. Clean it up if necessary—NO subjective words. This is one sentence and the qualifier of if it is supported or not supported. Find at least 3 pieces of evidence (either from your own, other team’s or research) to use to either support or not support your claim. DO NOT explain here! Make sure to use scientific terms, concepts learned in class about phytoremediators, and/or research to explain WHY YOUR CLAIM WAS SUPPORTED OR NOT. Worth double! Create your data table with EVERYTHING LABELED, TITLED AND WITH UNITS. Make your graph with EVERYTHING TITLED, LABELED, UNITS, KEY, COLORS.

Action Plan Due Tuesday 6/11 Now that you have become informed of heavy metals and other toxins in the soil of the Cedar River Watershed, what are you going to do about it? State the Problem Provide a Solution Research to support your Solution Make a Product to help demonstrate your plan: This can be a PSA Video, Poster, Pamphlet, 3-D Model, Proposal, or any other idea you approve with me.