MAIN IDEA Link spiral for notes
Main Idea What is it? How do we find it? How do we remember it? Let’s try it.
What is main idea? Main idea tells what a story or non-fiction article is mostly about. When looking for main idea we must think of what FINALLY happened in the story or what we FINALLY learned.
How do we find the Main Idea? One way… Find the topic Add the supporting details Create a sentence that adds the two together! TOPIC + DETAILS = MAIN IDEA
WHAT ARE SUPPORTING DETAILS? The supporting details are the things that describe the main idea. These supporting details make the main idea stronger
There is another way to find the main idea! Let’s use our hands!
How do we find the main idea? The thumb stands for who. The who of a story is very important, without knowing who the story is about we can’t find the main idea.
How do we find the main idea? The pointer finger stands for did what. What did the main character finally do?
How do we find the main idea? The next finger stands for where. Where did the main character do it?
How do we find the main idea? The ring finger stands for when. When did the main character do it?
How do we find the main idea? The pinky stands for why. Why did the main character do it?
How do we remember main idea? Remembering is easy!!! Just look at your fingers. Thumb - Who? Pointer - Did what? Middle finger - Where? Ring finger - When? Pinky - Why?
Let’s try it!! Read the article. Remember to think about the word FINALLY. What finally happened in the story?
Article: _____________ Who? First detail
What did the character do? Did what? What?
Where did it mostly happen?
Next, tell when? When? When did this happen?
Why? Think of all the reasons…
Finally Using all the information, write one sentence that tells the main idea of the story.
Now to read our story! Pg. 162…