Fig. 8 DMN-Tre detects Mtb in sputum samples from patients with tuberculosis, similar to the auramine stain. DMN-Tre detects Mtb in sputum samples from patients with tuberculosis, similar to the auramine stain. (A) Illustration of sputum sample labeling protocol: 16 sputum samples were collected from diagnosed treatment-naïve patients with tuberculosis and were decontaminated with N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NalC)/NaOH mixture following recommended standards. Decontaminated sputum samples were split in two equal aliquots, each incubated with 1 mM DMN-Tre or smeared with Auramine O stain, followed by imaging. (B) Microscopy analysis of four decontaminated sputum samples incubated with 1 mM DMN-Tre in 7H9 liquid medium for 2 hours in a 37°C atmospheric incubator. (C) Microscopy analysis of decontaminated sputum samples either treated with 1 mM DMN-Tre for 30 min at 37°C (top) or directly fixed onto microscope slide for Auramine O staining following standard kit protocol (bottom, orange pseudocolor). (D) Bar graph depiction of the total Mtb cell number detected over eight fields of view per sample with either DMN-Tre or Auramine O in the 16 sputum samples treated as in (C). Images were collected in the DIC and FITC (for DMN and auramine fluorescence) channels of a Zeiss Observer Z1-inverted fluorescent microscope. Scale bars, 5 μm. Mireille Kamariza et al., Sci Transl Med 2018;10:eaam6310 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works