School Improvement Plan / Team Process & Overview
Outcomes Review SIT information Develop 2018 -2019 Goals for NCSTAR
Introduction School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a fluid document that is developed from Comprehensive Needs Assessment, TWCS, and AMO & AYP data. SIP dictates (focused on student performance toward graduation): Projects or initiatives to implement based upon areas of need Staff Development Individual teacher improvement goals for IGP SIP specifically targets areas for improvement in: Healthy, Responsible Students Globally Competitive Students Leadership of Innovation 21st Century Professionals 21st Century Systems
North Carolina Law for School Improvement Team / Plan General Statute 115C-47: Local School Boards ensure each principal has established a SIT under General Statute 115C-105.27 and in accordance with General Statute 115C-288(1), Powers and Duties of the Principal. School Improvement Team (115C-105.27) Principal Representation elected by secret ballot Representation from Assistant Principals Instructional Personnel Teacher Assistants Instructional Support Personnel Parents of Enrolled Children General Statute 115C-105.27: Development and approval of school improvement plans. School Improvement Plan is developed to improve student performance based upon annual performance goals. Faculty reviews and votes by secret ballot for approval. Principal submits plan to school board once approved. SIP lasts for 2 years, but may be amended as often as necessary
School Improvement Team Elections Faculty representatives are elected to serve a two year term. Elections of New SIT will be done at the beginning of the 2018 – 2019 school year. The SIT will comprise members where half rotate off and half are newly elected members. Also includes representatives from parents, and the principal Chairpersons are elected every other year by SIT teacher In order to be nominated to serve on the SIT team the faculty member must have at least one year experience at OHS. Meetings: All SIT meetings will be held at 3:15 in the media center. Dates listed below: 9/24/2018 2/25/2019 10/29/2018 3/25/2019 12/10/2018 4/15/2019 1/28/2018 5/20/2019
Nomination Process 2 faculty members from; K-5, 6-8, assistants, and special areas are nominated Once nominees accept nominations a ballot will be developed. Nominations are open to all faculty who meet the eligibility req. Faculty will vote by secret ballot for one nominee from each dept. to comprise the 2018 – 2019 team.
School Improvement Team 2018 - 2019 Representatives Bolick (2019) 3-5 teacher Greene (2019) EC teacher Wilson(2019) MS teacher Brown (2020) 3-5 teacher Malicoat (2020) MS teacher McFarland(2020) Exploratory Teacher Auton(2020) Teacher Assistants Elected by Secret Ballot on 08/20/2018 Chair Secretary Process Manager for NCSTAR:
Oak Hill School SIP Areas of Concentration / Goals for 2018 -2019 Proposed Goals
The Process for Improvement Faculty elected leadership teams provide a forum for input and suggestions for improvement. Faculty Member with concern/suggestion Grade Level Leadership / Principal School Improvement Team