Domestic Policy Foreign Policy Watergate Nixon Domestic Policy Foreign Policy Watergate Aim: How did Nixon affect the US?
Aim: How did Nixon affect the US? Election of 1968 B/C of Vietnam, LBJ doesn’t run RFK favorite, but shot by Sirhan Sirhan…. MLK also shot in April VP Hubert Humphrey vs. “comeback kid” Nixon vs. George Wallace (“segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever”) Nixon easily wins electoral college, but only 43% of popular vote Aim: How did Nixon affect the US?
Aim: How did Nixon affect the US? Foreign Policy “Vietnamization” Shifted responsibility from US to South Vietnamese “Peace with honor” Slow withdrawal Cease fire agreed Soon after US left, North controlled all of Vietnam….. Did we lose the “war” War Powers Act-1973- President can use emergency military actions, but must tell Congress within 2 days, and at any time Congress can vote to pull out funding or the troops Nixon and China- Nixon opens relations with China…. How can this help the US????? TRADE!!!!! ↓↓ A POTENTIAL ENEMY DIVIDING CHINA AND USSR?? Aim: How did Nixon affect the US?
Aim: How did Nixon affect the US? DOMESTIC POLICY Nixon the Green? Clean Air Act Clean Water Act Resource, Recovery and Pollution Act Ralph Nader Appointed by Nixon to be Consumer Advocate “Unsafe at Any Speed”- shows unsafe car protection Aim: How did Nixon affect the US?
Aim: How did Nixon affect the US? Election of 1972 Aim: How did Nixon affect the US? Nixon vs. McGovern Look at map, enough said!!!!
Aim: How did Nixon affect the US? Nixon’s Downfall His VP, Spiro Agnew, forced to resign, he took bribes while Gov. of Md. “Pentagon Papers” Gov’t documents that showed that LBJ and McNamara lied about Vietnam…… Should Nixon let this information out????? He doesn’t, NY Times sues!!! NY Times vs. US NY Times wins!!!! Watergate Aim: How did Nixon affect the US?
Watergate CREEP (Committee to RE Elect the President) To help ensure Nixon’s election victory in 1972, 5 CREEP members broke into Democratic party headquarters at Watergate Hotel Who knew??? Acted alone, or Nixon know??? Woodward and Bernstein- Washington Post/ “Deep Throat” Nixon claims no prior knowledge of the break in Senate investigation….. They found out Nixon had private tapes from the White House!!!! Senate wants the tapes…. Nixon claims privacy and executive privilege… Senate sues Nixon!!!!!!!!! US vs. Nixon…. Damn!!! Nixon must release the tapes!!! Tapes reveal Nixon helped in trying to cover up the break in,, not the planning of the break in Gaps in the tapes!!! House starts impeachment process…. Nixon resigns before he is impeached!!! 1st president to ever willingly leave office
Aim: How did Nixon affect the US?