Modernisation works on the border Odra River Introduction Task 1B.2 Stage I - Modernisation works on the border Odra River in order to ensure winter ice breaking Stage II - Renovation and modernisation of regulation structures on the border Odra River 2
Scope of Task 1B.2 Stages I and II Modernisation works on the border Odra River Introduction Scope of Task 1B.2 Stages I and II The subject of the task is the renovation and modernisation of regulation structures on the border Odra River The bidding is based on: Updating the concept of regulation of the border Odra River water-course Description of the Subject of the Contract Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on joint improvement of the situation on waterways in the Polish-German border area (flood protection, flow and navigation conditions) Updating the concept of regulation of the border Odra River water-course: As a part of the concept, one-dimensional modelling of the section of the Odra River from the Odra - Nysa Łużycka node of rivers to km 683.0 was carried out; from where the depths are already sufficient and the Odra River is under strong influence of the Baltic Sea. The length of the modelled section is 140.6 km. Assumptions of the concept: Regulatory objective - 1.80 m of continuous medium depth. Flood prevention objective. Not navigable. Movement of bottom material within 40 years of completion of works (assuming accompanying dredging). Execution of works in a shorter or longer period of time (13, 20 and 25 years - the duration of works considered by the concept) does not significantly affect the achievement of the objective after 40 years. For additional modelling - the Odra - Warta rivers node 3
Modernisation works on the border Odra River Introduction Physical model Odra physical model at Hohenwutzen in the BAW test hall It is used to carry out research on local current flow conditions and the impact of the regulation options on the transport of load and the depth conditions in the navigable lane (research in the field of navigation /nautical science/). 4
Modernisation works on the border Odra River Project scope Regulation of 54.4 km of the border Odra River through: Reconstruction/upgrading of 372 existing groynes Construction of 26 new groynes Reconstruction/upgrading of approximately 3 300 m of the longitudinal dams existing there Construction of approximately 3 100 m of new longitudinal dams Reconstruction/modernisation of approx. 11 500 m of existing bank walls Construction of approximately 3 000 m of new bank walls Stage I: Section 1: km 581.0 ÷ 585.7 (Słubice) Section 2: km 604.0 ÷ 605.0 (Górzyca-Reiwein) Section 3: km 613.5 ÷ 614.7 (Kostrzyn n/Odrą) Section 4: km 645.5 ÷ 654.0 (Gozdowice – Stara Rudnica) Section 5: km 654.0 ÷ 663.0 (Stara Rudnica – Osinów Dolny) Stage II: Section 6a: km 600.4 ÷ 604.0 (Owczary – Górzyca) Section 6b: km 605.0 ÷ 613.5 (Górzyca – Kostrzyn n/Odrą) Section 6c: km 614.7 ÷ 617.6 (Kostrzyn n/Odrą) Section 7: km 668.0 ÷ 683.0 (Bielinek – Piasek) Task 1B.2: Stage I + Stage II ~54.4 km 5
Technical condition of regulation structures Modernisation works on the border Odra River Technical solutions Technical condition of regulation structures 6
Technical condition of regulation structures Modernisation works on the border Odra River Technical solutions Technical condition of regulation structures 7
Technical condition of regulation structures Modernisation works on the border Odra River Technical solutions Technical condition of regulation structures 8
Groyne modernisation design Modernisation works on the border Odra River Technical solutions Groyne modernisation design 9
Groyne modernisation design Modernisation works on the border Odra River Technical solutions Groyne modernisation design 10
Groyne modernisation design Modernisation works on the border Odra River Technical solutions Groyne modernisation design Layout plan of groyne No. 6/682 Scale 1:500 Key: Outline of groyne covered by reconstruction River kilometrage Designed regulation line Outline of existing groyne Adopted groyne axis Limits of plots Plot registration number Isobath Broken hydrotechnical stone Cobblestone 11
Modernisation works on the border Odra River Longitudinal dam design Technical solutions Longitudinal dam design 12
Modernisation works on the border Odra River Longitudinal dam design Technical solutions Longitudinal dam design 13
Modernisation works on the border Odra River Bank protection design Technical solutions Bank protection design 14
Technology of execution of groynes: Modernisation works on the border Odra River Technical solutions Technology of execution of groynes: Reconstruction of the existing groyne is planned to be carried out in the following way: Removal of vegetation along the entire length of the existing groyne and on the surface where bank protections (groyne wings) are to be made. Demolition of the groyne reinforcement made of cobblestone. The material obtained in the course of the process can be used for further purposes. Laying the geotextile. When laying the geotextile under water it is necessary to stabilise it in order to prevent its displacement by the water current. The Contractor shall take a decision as to how to fix the geotextile to the ground under water in a way guaranteeing invariability of its location Execution of technological excavations enabling an appropriate sinking of the protection base footing Execution of rubble mound. The laying of stones should start with the execution of the protection base footing and then the rubble mound should be laid from the bottom of the slope. It is designed to use broken stone from magma rocks (light granite). It is allowed to use rubble mound from other magma rocks below the level of SNW [mean low water] if they meet the material guidelines. Clamping of the rubble mound with cement mortar on the head of the groyne and its body to the depth of SNW [mean low water]. The purpose of this action is to strengthen the part of the groyne most exposed to the action of ice and water. 15
Assumed construction technology Modernisation works on the border Odra River Technical solutions Assumed construction technology Reconstruction of the existing groyne is planned to be carried out in the following way: It was assumed that the works would be carried out from water, the broken stone would be transported by water and the fascine would be transported by land. At the stage of execution, modernisation works on the border Odra river may involve the use of land surface by contractors for the purposes of material storage sites (except for areas of particular natural value). The Contractor shall organise the construction facilities using floating vessels. However, the final choice of the construction organisation shall be made by the Contractor. In the case of proposing land-based facilities, the same restrictions should be applied as for the storage yards. The surface of the storage yard will be hardened, which will enable the loader to operate and the possibility of high stone heaping. The transport of the stone for the construction of groynes, longitudinal dam, bank wall or bank protection will be carried out by pontoons and shallow-draught barges, after loading the stone from the temporary storage yard. Execution of the investment from the water side with the use of, among others, pontoons equipped with anchoring piles, barges of appropriate carrying capacity, a floating concrete plant, etc. Occasionally, situations may occur that make it impossible to carry out specific works from the water side. In such a situation, it may be necessary to arrange for access from the land side. 16