Kaplan-Meier figure of cumulative survival with the log-rank test of the variables separated according to the sedentarism cutoff points. Kaplan-Meier figure of cumulative survival with the log-rank test of the variables separated according to the sedentarism cutoff points. A: ≥5 h 20 min/d of sitting time; B: ≥1 h 20 min/d of lying time; C: ≥8 h/d of lying + sitting time; D: ≥8.5 h/day of time spent in sedentary activities <1.5 MET; E: ≥9 h/d of time spent in sedentary activities <2 MET; F: Average of MET <1.5 MET/d. Log-rank tests were performed to compare time to death. ST <2 MET = time spent/d in sedentary activities requiring <2 MET. MET = metabolic equivalent of task. Karina C Furlanetto et al. Respir Care 2017;62:579-587 (c) 2012 by Daedalus Enterprises, Inc.