Can Frequent Male Seed Release Really Prevent Prostate Cancer? A Look at the Facts


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Presentation transcript:

Can Frequent Male Seed Release Really Prevent Prostate Cancer? A Look at the Facts

No doubt, most men have heard about a study that claimed that men who release (by any means necessary) 21 or more times each month could cut their risk of prostate cancer significantly. Seems like the best excuse and reasoning to have lots of intimacy and solo play, right? However, this one study may not be the final say on the health benefits of release. Settle in and read on to learn more about this study and what other similar studies are finding.

The “21 times a month” Study In December of 2016, a respected journal, European Urology, published a study that suggested a substantial relationship between male release frequency and reduced prostate cancer risk. Specifically, that men who released 21 times or more in a month, each and every month, had a 31 percent lower chance of a prostate cancer diagnosis than did their study counterparts who did not release as often. Now, here’s the rub, no pun intended. The study was comprised of 29,342 male subjects between the ages of 46 and 81, which is a sizable test group. However, all the data about male release frequency were self- reported, leaving a considerable margin of error when relying on memory. The men reported once in 1992 and then again in 2010 to find a trend.

More Research About Male Seed Release and Prostate Cancer A 2004 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association focused on the same test group and found no evidence linking frequent male release with reduced prostate cancer risk. It did find a correlation in the data that leaned toward frequent release reducing risk of prostate cancer, just not something as concrete as the 2016 proclamation.

Are There Additional Benefits to Frequent Male Seed Release? In addition to taking the studies with a grain of salt and erring on the side of optimism, seed release has many other benefits a man can enjoy with the flick of his wrist. The stimulation that kicks off what ultimately ends in a full release produces oxytocin and dopamine. Both hormones are associated with positive emotions, reduced stress, and feelings of productivity or happiness. Release is also a well-known cure for sleeplessness. Seed release is also believed to improve seed quality, both in size and motility. It also has been linked with reducing risk of heart disease, boosting the immune system, and reducing migraine pain.

Are There Drawbacks to Frequent Male Seed Release? There are some beliefs, like those of Tantra and Taoism, that frequent male release can lower the power of a man’s essence or energy center. Aside from these more esoteric beliefs, some men can desensitize themselves if they peak too frequently, which can not only lead to the physical problems it causes, but it can also negatively impact self-esteem and sensual relationships. Other than those 2 theories, there aren’t any scientifically backed reasons for men not to release frequently.

Frequent Male Seed Release – Good Goal or a Bunch of Hooey? Releasing frequently is an entirely personal decision. For some men, 21 releases in a month sounds like a great goal, for others it feels like too few, and for others still, it seems an impossible feat. At the end of the day, a man has to listen to his body and his personal sensual drive. How he does it is also entirely personal, as well.

One thing to keep in mind about frequent male release is the care a man should give his member. With all the work it does, it needs some special attention and care to preserve sensitivity and reinvigorate it for its next adventure. Use a male organ health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) that has been created expressly for delicate midsection skin. Make sure that oil includes vital male organ health promoters like vitamins A, B, and D, as well as boner boosters like vitamin C and L- arginine. All that, wrapped up in a soothing and nourishing base like shea butter and vitamin E, will keep a member supple and robust through every release.Man 1 Man Oil