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Poster title goes here, containing strictly only the essential number of words... Author’s Name/s Goes Here, Author’s Name/s Goes Here, Author’s Name/s.

Project title to go here Introduction The page size of the poster is to be A1 (59.4cm x 84.1 cm) and it is to be produced in portrait (vertical) format.
Introduction (40-44 pt) The page size of this poster template is A0 (84x119cm), portrait (vertical) format Do not change this page size..Fonts: Arial,
Introduction Provide an introductory explanation to your work. For example: What is the research topic/purpose, where was the research conducted, and what.
Logo of your institution
Your Institution Logo Your Department/Program Logo
Type Here the Title of the Poster Arial Bold Shadowed 80
SCIENCE FAIR REQUIREMENTS To create a display for Science Board use this KEYNOTE template. NO COLOR IS ALLOWED here in this file (your fonts should.
Title of Poster Arial 88 pt Centered on Poster Small Caps
Poster title goes here (change font size to keep within box)
Title: Arial Bold 95 Pts. Subtitle (Optional): Arial Bold 65 Pts.
Poster Title, Arial 88 pt, Centered, Small Caps
Abstract Provide a brief overview of your research project here..
Poster Title in Arial, Bold, 80 Points: Font Size Dependent on Title Length Primary Author1, Secondary Author2, and Tertiary Author3 in Arial, 45 Points,
Title* of your work in points
The Title of the Paper, in Bold Letters
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Abstract Provide a brief overview of your research project here..
Professional Template for a 36x48 poster presentation
Title of Poster Arial 88 pt Centered on Poster Small Caps
P O S T E R T I T L E Authors & Institutions
Title: Arial Bold 95 Pts. Subtitle (Optional): Arial Bold 65 Pts.
Poster Title Here Authors Introduction Results Summary/Conclusion
SCIENCE FAIR REQUIREMENTS Grades 4 & 5 To create a display for Science Board use this KEYNOTE template. NO COLOR IS ALLOWED here in this file (your.
Poster title for icccbe2010 (Maximum two lines centered)
Small corporate logo may Go here
Paper Title as it appears on the PDF
SCIENCE FAIR REQUIREMENTS Grades 4 & 5 To create a display for Science Board use this KEYNOTE template. NO COLOR IS ALLOWED here in this file (your.
Include here the logo of your Institution
Title of Poster Arial 88 pt Centered on Poster Small Caps
The title of the poster goes here. This font is Arial Bold
Title of Poster Arial 88 pt Centered on Poster Small Caps
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Title of Capstone Project
Title of Poster Author box centered on poster Author bold centered
Title of Poster Arial 88 pt Centered on Poster Small Caps
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Title of Poster Arial 50 pt Centered on Poster Small Caps
Include here the logo of your Institution
Title of Poster in Arial, Bold, 48 Points
Your Institution Logo Your Department/Program Logo
P O S T E R T I T L E Authors & Institutions
Title of Poster Arial 88 pt Centered on Poster Small Caps
P O S T E R T I T L E Authors & Institutions
Title of Poster Arial 88 pt Centered on Poster Small Caps
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Title of Capstone Project
P O S T E R T I T L E Authors & Institutions
TITLE <Replace this box with your graphics>
Title of Capstone Project
TEMPLATE INSTRUCTIONS Please use these instructions
TEMPLATE INSTRUCTIONS Please use these instructions
Names of the Authors, in Bold letters
TITLE Author 1, Academic Title1; Author 2, Academic Title2; Author 3, Academic Title3 1 Affilation 1; 2 Affiliation 2; 3 Affiliation ; 2 .
TEMPLATE INSTRUCTIONS Please use these instructions
TITLE (Arial font size 70 – ALL CAPITAL LETTERS - bold - centered)
NMBU Poster template To make sure Powerpoint does not compress images:
PAPER TITLE (Template for ICETMIE Abstract )
P O S T E R T I T L E Authors & Institutions
[Please type your poster title in white font]
P O S T E R T I T L E Authors & Institutions
Poster instructions You can use the following page in this template to prepare your poster Poster printing size is in format A0 (118,9 x 84,1 cm or 46,8.
Title of Poster Author(s) Affiliation(s)
18 Iranian In th Paper Title (Times New Roman 50pt. bold)
Corresponding Author’s
Title of Virtual Presentation
Presentation transcript:

COB-2019-XXXX (ARIAL, 60, BOLD) INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORMATTING THE POSTERS OF THE XXV COBEM (Arial, 60, BOLD) First Author’s name; Second Author’s name; ... (Arial, 36, italic) This file must be used as a template for constructing the presentation posters of the COBEM 2019. The content must be written in English and printed in poster configuration (1,2 m height and 0,9 m width), using Arial font, size 38 and justified adjustment, except for title, author’s names, e-mails and subtitles, which must follow the template as indicated in red. INTRODUCTION (ARIAL, 48, BOLD) Table 1 – Enumerate the tables according to the order of its appearance, centered with text box. (Arial, 32) Format Example Using color pattern (black and white) - data Arial 38 The poster presentation must consider the following topics in a concise and objective manner: Introduction, Materials and/or Experimental and/or Numerical Procedures, Results and Discussion. Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References sections are optional. The authors are responsible for bringing the printed poster. The text box margins must be kept on 25 mm left and right, and 10 mm superior and inferior for adjustment. Keep 30 mm distance between text boxes and side edges. The width of the text box must be kept in 410 mm. (Check the formatting size indicated by the red signs; do not forget to delete the red signs!). EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE (ARIAL, 48, BOLD) Figure 1 – Enumerate the figures according to the order of its appearance, centered with text box. (Arial, 32) This is an optional section. CONCLUsions (ARIAL, 48, BOLD) This is an optional section. Acknowledgements (ARIAL, 48, BOLD) The most important results can be rather shown in tables and figures. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (ARIAL, 48, BOLD) This is an optional section. REFERENCES (ARIAL, 48, BOLD) Presenter Place presenter’s photo here. Presenter’s name (Arial, 40, italic) Occupation/Department/Faculty (Arial, 38, italic) University (Arial, 38, italic) E-mail (Arial, 38, italic)