15/12/2018 UEMS Council Meeting 13/04/2019
Explanatory notes Balance sheet information and Profit & Loss report should be looked at the same time. For example : P&L => Net loss in 2018 of 69k € Balance sheet => cumulated profit of 2M° € Over the last 3 years cumulating profit of 1,3M°€
2015 2016 2017 2018 Bank Assets 3.230.172 3.965.542 4.254.188 4.209.169 Expenditures (operating) 2.854.011 2.373.381 1.950.271 2.852.881 Total Income 2.686.118 3.055.886 2.938.363 2.899.763,
Accounting Objectives Closer monitoring of bodies expenses but require faster access to supporting documentation Implementation of « Coda » bank system for faster recording of bank transaction in the bookeeping Improving relationship between treasurer and UEMS Brussels office => treasurers’ meeting Increasing use of the UEMS Admin platform
UEMS perspective Sustainable income over the coming years between 2,8 and 3M° € - To be confirmed in the next budget planning, Within UEMS => Continuous improvement of financial data sharing Better planning Better documentation Better financial reporting (certification of account)
15/12/2018 UEMS Board Meeting 12/04/2019