Schematics of PilB assembly ATPases.


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Schematics of PilB assembly ATPases. Schematics of PilB assembly ATPases. Proteins are listed based on the alignment shown in Fig. S4 in the supplemental material, with the clostridial sequences shown in gray. Colored boxes delineate motifs characteristic of secretion family ATPases. Schematics are shown for V. cholerae strain N16961 EpsE (GenBank accession number NP_232359), K. oxytoca KCTC1686 PulE (YP_005018226), P. aeruginosa PAO1 PilB (NP_253216), N. gonorrhoeae MS11 PilF (P37094), C. perfringens 13 PilB2 (NP_563202) and PilB1 (NP_562760), C. difficile 630 PilB2 (YP_001090033) and PilB1 (ZP_17077753), V. cholerae N16961 TcpT (NP_230483), and EPEC B171 BfpD (NP_053070). Stephen Melville, and Lisa Craig Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 2013; doi:10.1128/MMBR.00063-12