A Course on Consciousness Al Stetz Professor of Physics OSU Science and religion class – what we discuss Why consciousness is exciting Cannot be explained on purely physical terms Hypothesis
Consciousness poses the most baffling problem in the science of the mind. There is nothing we know more Intimately than conscious experience, but nothing that Is harder to explain. David Chalmers
The most important scientific discovery of the present era will come when someone or some group discovers the answer to the following question, how exactly do neural-biological processes in the brain produce consciousness? John Searle
“Consciousness is a fascinating but elusive phenomenon. It is impossible to specify what it is, what it does, or why it has evolved. Nothing worth reading has been written on it.” Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Weight: Three Pounds Energy Consumption: 12 Watts
Terry Brison
Rene Descartes (1596 – 1650) Nov. 10, 1619
I doubt, therefore I am.
Automaton – A mechanical figure or contrivance constructed to act as if by its own motive power
Dualism – Two Kinds of “Substance” Body – It has physical properties such as mass, location, size, etc. It can’t think but is the source of our passions, which can control the mind under some circumstances. It can exist without mind. Mind – It is the seat of conscious thought and the soul. It can exist without a body but it can control the body. We are born with inherent knowledge that comes from a higher power. God and the heavenly powers are of the same substance as the mind. Two kinds of stuff, 2 ways things can exist. The mind can control the body. The passions of the body can control the mind. Makes sense, consciousness doesn’t seem to be located anywhere. Silent prayer makes sense, so does free will. No determinism
where and how is it attached? So here is the problem – where and how is it attached? Did you know you had a pineal gland? Where?
Dilbert the Cartesian Dualist
Answer -- The Pineal Gland Why the pineal gland? Explain. If the mind and body are separate we can have zombies and ghosts.
(Not so) philosophical zombies You can talk to it but no-one is home. The body stuff without the mind stuff
A (Not So) Philosophical Ghost Mind without body. How does it experience things? Where did it come from? Where is it now? Can it move through walls? Does it?
The Cartesian Theatre