MRI T2 Mapping of the Knee Providing Synthetic Morphologic Images: Comparison to Conventional Turbo Spin-Echo MRI a b An accelerated parallel T2 mapping MRI sequence (GRAPPATINI) provided both T2 mapping and synthetic T2-weighted imaging with different echo times with moderate acquisition time (6 minutes 22 seconds). T2 mapping with GRAPPATINI was accurate in comparison to a conventional T2 mapping sequence (mean bias, 2.7 msec). Interreader interpretation for synthetic T2-weighted imaging was similar to conventional turbo spin-echo sequences (difference between ĸ coefficients, 0 to 0.15). In a 52-year-old after knee trauma, sagittal MRI with (a) synthetic T2-weighted (T2w) and (b) conventional T2w sequences show a complete tear of the anterior cruciate ligament (large arrow), bone marrow edema on the lateral tibial plateau (✻), and signal abnormalities at the periphery of the popliteus muscle (thin arrow). The findings are equally visible on both images. Roux M et al. Published Online: October 1, 2019