History & Culture of Mexico Lived by Southern Gulf of Mexico Victoria Waite S.S. 1st 4/11/19 Built temples, statues & carved stones 1325 Empires – ruled by a single ruler - Tenochtitlan Mixes of African, European, & Indian Aztec Olmec Catholic Church owned much of Mexico & developed Missions Early Cultures Colonial Times Lived in small villages about 1500 BCE Used conquest to expand Haciendas – Farms given to wealthy Spanish Colonial Mexico & Independence Lived in Large Cities Maya Ch. 6 Sec. 2 History & Culture of Mexico Trade Network 1810 - 1821 250 CE–900 CE Calendars & Written Records Benito Juarez – President during French Invasion Independence Later Struggles 90 % - Catholic Spain ruled for 300 years Father Miguel Hidalgo – Priest for independence Culture Mexican Revolution – land reform Mexican American War – Mexico lost ½ territory Spanish - Language Blending of Cultures – Day of the Dead
History & Culture of Mexico Mix of Native Indians, Spanish, & Africans Lived in humid Southern Gulf of Mexico Victoria Waite S.S. 2nd 4/11/19 Lived in small villages 1325 Capital built on an island = Tenochtitlan 1500 BCE Aztec Olmec Catholic Church owns land & missions Powerful Empire – one ruler Early Cultures Colonial Times Built temples & statues and carved stones Wealthy Spanish own haciendas Colonial Mexico & Independence Maya Large cities in Mexico and Central America Spanish rule = 300 years 250–900 CE Ch. 6 Sec. 2 History & Culture of Mexico Built stone temples & trade networks Independence Calendar and studies the stars Later Struggles Mexican-American War – Mexico lost ½ it’s territory Mexican Revolution – 1810-1821 Father Miguel Hidalgo – speech for independence 90% of Mexicans = Roman Catholic Culture Mexican Revolution – land reform President Benito Juarez – French Invasion Culture is blend of Indian, African & Spanish – Day of the Dead Spanish = majority language
History & Culture of Mexico Maya Built temples and statues & traded carved stones Victoria Waite S.S. 4th 4/11/19 1325 Mixes of European, Indian and African Empire – one ruler 1500 BCE Lived in small villages Southern coast of the Gulf of Mexico Aztec Spain Olmec Grew through conquest Catholic Church - mission Early Cultures Colonial Times Haciendas – similar to plantations Colonial Mexico & Independence Spanish Rule = 300 Years 250-900 CE Ch. 6 Sec. 2 History & Culture of Mexico Maya Lived in large cities Independence Calendars, studies stars, writing system, and buildings Later Struggles Mexican-American War = Mexico lost ½ it’s territory Mexican Revolution – 1810-1821 Father Miguel Hidalgo – calls for independence Majority Language = Spanish Culture Mexican Revolution – Land Reform President Benito Juarez – limited power of Army and Church 90% of Mexicans = Roman Catholic Culture is a mix of Spanish, Indian, and African – Day of the Dead
History & Culture of Mexico Lived in small villages by Southern Gulf of Mexico Victoria Waite S.S. 5th 4/11/19 1325 Empire-one ruler Tenochtitlan Mixes of Indian, Spanish, and African 1500 BCE Aztec Olmec Early Cultures Take over through conquest Colonial Times Catholic Church - Missions Built temples, statues, & trades carved stones Haciendas-land owned by Spanish Colonial Mexico & Independence Spain ruled Mexico for 300 years Maya Ch. 6 Sec. 2 History & Culture of Mexico 250-900 CE Lived in large cities Calendars, studies the stars, writing system, built stone temples Independence Later Struggles Mexican-American War= Mexico lost ½ it’s territory Mexican Revolution = 1810-1821 Father Miguel Hidalgo – called for Revolution Majority Language = Spanish Culture Mexican Revolution = 1910 – land reform President Benito Juarez = limits power of the army & church 90% of Mexicans = Roman Catholic Culture combines Spanish, Indian and African = Day of the Dead
History & Culture of Mexico Small villages along Southern Gulf of Mexico Victoria Waite S.S. 6th 4/11/19 1325 Empire – territories with one ruler - Tenochtitlan 1500 BCE Mix of African, Indian and European Aztec Olmec Traded carved stones & built temples and statues Catholic Church = missions Early Cultures Used conquest to expand Colonial Times Haciendas = Land to Spanish Colonial Mexico & Independence Maya Spanish Rule = 300 Years Ch. 6 Sec. 2 History & Culture of Mexico 250-900 CE Large cities Calendar, writing system, studies stars, & built large temples Independence Later Struggles Mexican Revolution for Independence = 1810-1821 Mexican-American War = Mexico lost ½ it’s land Father Miguel Hidalgo = called for Independence Majority Language = Spanish Culture Mexican Revolution = land reform President Benito Juarez = limited power of the army and church Culture is a mix of Spanish, African & Indian = Day of the Dead 90% of Mexicans = Roman Catholic