Welcome To Year Five Wednesday 11th September 2019
Year 5 Staff Miss Adams (class teacher) Mrs Griffiths (class teaching assistant) Miss Slezak (1 to 1) Mrs Fuller (1 to 1) Chn entering year 1 – big transition/change. Lots of work has been going on behind the scenes between myself and Mrs Else to ensure it is a smooth transition. Children also have opportunities of learning through play in classroom (as you can see), and have opportunities to access the outdoors, further supporting that transition between EYFS and Year 1.
Routines Each morning – different members of staff will be on the door – please leave any messages with these staff or phone the school office. Please let us know if your child has been injured at home prior to arrival at school – fill in the form that the staff on the door will have.
Routines continued… Toast or a crumpet can be ordered as a snack each day. Children will bring the money in to school, order their snack on a morning and take the money in to Care Club at break time. PE kits are kept on your child’s peg, please ensure that all clothing is named. Both PE and swimming are on a Monday. Children will need a swimming costume or tight-fitting swim shorts and a swim cap.
Routines continued… If your child is not taking part in PE please may we ask that you send a note into school. For swimming and PE, please make sure that all earrings are removed before school or your child can take their own out.
Routines continued… Reading books and diaries to come to school daily please. We encourage the children to be responsible for bringing their diaries in themselves and any letters returned into school. If your child requires any medicine, please take it to the office and fill in the form. Only adults can sign medication in and out.
Curriculum in Year 5
English will be linked with our topics, as well as covering the different genres of writing, such as: Instructional Historical Suspense/mystery stories Raps focusing on rhyme patterns Formal and informal letters Reports Advertising campaigns
Spellings In year 5, we move on to a new set of spellings which we share with Year 6. We will assess your child to see whether they can start on the Year 5/6 spellings or focus on the Year 3/4 spellings. We will send children home with a list of spellings each week and will test them on a Friday. Practising spellings at home will make a huge difference to helping your child remember their spellings!
Reading Please write down in your child’s diary when you have heard them read. In Year 5, we focus more on the understanding of the text rather than how well they can read it out loud. Individual Reading, Independent Reading and Guided Reading. We will listen to your child read at least once independently and twice as part of a guided group per fortnight.
Times Tables In Year 5, children are expected to be secure in their times tables. We will continue to work with children until they are secure, but practising at home will make sure they are secure quicker. We still have Times Tables Rockstars, which children can access in school and at home.
Maths In Year 5, we focus on the following maths areas: Place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Fractions, decimals and percentages Statistics Measurement (area, perimeter, volume, converting units) Geometry (shape, position and direction)
Topics Autumn term: Ancient Maya Civilisation / The Amazon Rainforest Spring term: Vicious Vikings Summer term: The Swinging Sixties The children learn a variety of new skills whilst learning about a specific topic. If you have any expertise or knowledge in these areas then we would love to know.
Year 5 curriculum Cross curricular links – in each topic we also cover English (reading and writing) and Maths units along with covering the other non-core subjects such as geography, history, art, computing etc.
Homework Your child will have daily/weekly homework to complete such as reading books, spellings and times tables practise (if appropriate). They will also be given a homework menu. You will need to choose 3 items from the menu to complete across a half term. Any problems – see teacher at drop in sessions – on a Wednesday (3:15 to 3:45).
Intervention Do NOT be alarmed! It does not mean there is a big issue. Progress is reviewed often– we know your child’s ability well and how to support and extend their learning. May extend and push children as well as to support. Our curriculum is very personalised – live marking and marking conferences.
Intervention Classroom based- daily readers, own work station, additional adult input, learning prompts: number line or sound mats, bronze, silver and gold. Catch up- if lessons have been missed or concepts not fully grasped. Children will be given small group support to plug these gaps to ensure they are fully prepared for the next day’s learning. Formal Intervention-for children who are falling behind their peers. Sessions will take place weekly before being reviewed after a suitable amount of time. These sessions may be run by other members of staff. Parents will be informed as extra tasks to support learning may be given to complete at home.
Behaviour Policy We have the Going for Gold chart in every classroom. Children start the day on green and can move up to silver, gold and then super gold for good behaviour. They also earn money towards the swap shop for reaching silver and gold. Super gold means they can choose from the gold box! Team points are also given out as a reward. Children can move down the chart for not making good choices – yellow then red. If they reach red, a red slip will be sent home and it will be recorded on the system.
Going Home We will match your child to you. If you are running late then please contact the school office. If you are collecting other children from a different class then we will keep your child with us until you arrive. Please inform us if someone else is collecting your child. Please let me know if your child is allowed to walk home – even if they walked home last year.
Getting involved! Parent Helpers – hearing children read, trips, photocopying, displays (DBS check). PTFA – supporting events or coming to the very informal meetings.
You will find on our website: Topic overviews/web Policies E-Safety information Newsletter Contact information
And finally… We would like to invite you to ask any questions you may have/ explore the learning environment. Drop in sessions are on a Wednesday after school, if you would like to discuss any concerns. We look forward to working with you and your children! We are a partnership in your child’s learning journey.