Origins of American Government Government Chapter 2 Origins of American Government
Do Now: To you, does the word “Compromise” have a negative or positive connotation? Basically do you see compromise as something that is good, or the result of a defeat?
Section 1: The Colonial Period 13 Colonies governed by the British Virginia House of Burgesses- 1st legislature in the Colonies British protected against France French and Indian War
Section 1: The Colonial Period An English Political Heritage- most colonists from England Limited Government- Only the powers granted Magna Carta (1215), first written rights Petition of Right- Limiting the Kings Power English Bill of Rights- After the Glorious Revolution, William and Mary take the throne Limiting the Kings power
The Colonial Period Representative Government- Colonies adopt this idea for local government New Political Ideas- Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau. Natural Rights, consent of governed.
Government in the Colonies Each colony its own government and governor Democracy prevails- except women and slaves Written Constitutions Mayflower Compact General Fundamentals, Pilgrims Fundamental Orders of Connecticut- 1st Constitution
Government in the Colonies Colonial Legislatures Representative bodies elected Separation of Powers Divided the powers of government Montesquieu’s The Spirit of Laws Training ground for those who will write the Constitution
Section 2: Uniting for Independence The Colonies on Their own First 150 years were YOLO French and Indian Wars change this. George III takes over, tightens control Taxes raised to pay for the war Stamp Act- first direct tax Revenue increased, colonist upset, Boston Tea Party Intolerable Acts- Led to an Embargo Close Boston Harbor MA could not govern itself
Colonial Unity Committees of Correspondence- urge resistance, Sam Adams led the way in MA 1st Continental Congress- 1774, Embargo established with England 2nd Continental Congress Served as the acting government Army and navy organized Issue money Washington in charge of troops
Independence Thomas Paine, Common Sense, published in 1776 and influenced colonists. Declaration of Independence Jefferson wrote most of it Key parts of the Declaration Locke’s ideas prominent 1st section- purpose and basic human Rights 2nd- Specific complaints 3rd- Determination for separation from England State Constitutions written
Section 3: The Articles of Confederation No Executive or Judicial Branch No ability to tax Unicameral Legislature No Commerce power Interstate Commerce- Trade amongst States not controlled. Need for Stronger Government Shays’s Rebellion
Section 4: The Constitutional Convention 55 attend Elite of the time Madison, Father of the Constitution Washington to preside Abandon the Articles Decisions and Compromises The Virginia Plan- Bicameral, based on population The New Jersey Plan- Equality in the Legislature Connecticut Compromise- Bicameral, House (population) and Senate (Equality)
Decisions and Compromises Three-Fifths Compromise Slavery Question- Constitution doesn’t mention slavery…it was too controversial
Ratifying the Constitution Federalists- Strong central government, support the Constitution Anti-Federalist Federalist Papers- argue for ratifying 9 of 13 needed Bill of Rights- limited government, rights of the people From the Magna Carta and English bill of Rights