Open Science Conference Ljubljani 22 May 2019


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Presentation transcript:

Open Science Conference Ljubljani 22 May 2019 EOSC What’s next? Juan Bicarregui Co-ordinator EOSCpilot Member EOSC Executive Baord (But this is a personal view) Open Science Conference Ljubljani 22 May 2019

Outline What are we trying to achieve? What needs to happen to achieve it? What will it look like when we have it? The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563

What is EOSC? research data management “The objective of the EOSC is to give the Union a global lead in research data management and ensure that European scientists reap the full benefits of data-driven science, by offering 1.7 million European researchers and 70 million Professionals in science and technology a virtual environment with free at the point of use, open and seamless services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data, across borders and scientific disciplines.” EOSC Implementation Roadmap (March 2018) (Highlighting added)

The Innovation Lifecycle The Body of Knowledge The Innovation Process Research Aggregation of Knowledge lies at the heart of the innovation lifecycle Knowledge Creation Wealth Creation Quality Assessment Strategic Direction Improved Quality of Life Improved Understanding The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563

Open Science Lifecycle Creation Collection Capacity Computation Curation Collaboration and Communication The Research Lifecycle Open Access Open Science Creation Collection Capacity Computation Curation Collaboration Communication Open Data The 7 C’s Begin by explaining vision of open science Research Lifecycle from data perspective 7 Cs OSC is infrastructure to enable Communication and Collaboration At the centre

The Innovation Lifecycle Strategic Direction Wealth Creation Knowledge Creation Open Data Science Environment The Body of Knowledge The Innovation Process The Research Process Improved Quality of Life Quality Assessment Improved Understanding Aggregation of Knowledge lies at the heart of the innovation lifecycle The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563

Summary What are we trying to achieve? What needs to happen to achieve it? What will it look like when we have it? The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563

Domain Specific research infrastructures Existing Horizontal and Vertical infrastructures Domain Specific research infrastructures Interdomain e-infrastructures Credit: e-IRG, eInfrastructure Commons, 2013

Greater sharing of Resources and Data across RIs and eIs Merging Horizontal and Vertical infrastructures Domain Specific user environments Greater sharing of Resources and Data across RIs and eIs Inter-domain Catalogue of Services

Interdomain Projects Developing EOSC-Portal (-eInfraCentra, EOSC-hub, Openaire, FAIRsFAIR Developing Horizontal and Vertical infrastructures RDA FREYA EOSC-secretariat Interdomain Projects ENVRI-FAIR EOSC-LIFE ESCAPE PANOSC SSHOC

Coordination structure (CSA) The EOSC Governance Three layer structure EOSC Board of MS/AC and EC representatives to ensure effective supervision of EOSC implementation Working Group of the strategic configuration of the Programme Committee Executive Board of stakeholder representatives to help ensure proper EOSC implementation and accountability Commission expert group Stakeholder Forum to provide input from a wide range of actors Self-organised with EC support Governance Board (MS/AC + EC) oversight Executive Board (representatives of stakeholders) implementation WG Stakeholders Forum advice advice eInfraCentral EOSC hub INFRAEOSC projects …. Coordination structure (CSA) support CC-BY 4.0, J.D.Malo, EOSC: Launch Event

The EOSC Executive Board Chair Karel LUYBEN – Representative of CESAER Vice Chair Cathrin STÖVER – Representative of GEANT   Organisations and their representatives CESAER represented by Karel LUYBEN CESSDA ERIC represented by Ronald DEKKER EMBL represented by Rupert LÜCK European Spallation Source ERIC represented by John WOMERSLEY GÉANT represented by Cathrin STÖVER OPENAIRE represented by Natalia MANOLA Research Data Alliance (RDA) represented by Juan BICARREGUI Science Europe represented by Stephan KUSTER Individual experts Sarah JONES Jean-Francois ABRAMATIC Jan HRUSAK CC-BY 4.0, J.D.Malo, EOSC: Launch Event

EOSC Working Groups Landscape FAIR Architecture Rules of Participation Mapping of the existing research infrastructures which are candidates to be part of the EOSC federation; FAIR Implementing the FAIR data principles by defining the corresponding requirements for the development of EOSC services, in order to foster cross-disciplinary interoperability; Architecture Defining the technical framework required to enable and sustain an evolving EOSC federation of systems; Rules of Participation Designing the Rules of Participation that shall define the rights, obligations governing EOSC transactions between EOSC users, providers and operators; Sustainability Providing a set of recommendations concerning the implementation of an operational, scalable and sustainable EOSC federation after 2020.

Topics for further discussion 1 of 3: What? “Open Data Science Environment” [G7 Ministerial Communiqué, Berlin, 2015] Open Data and Open Environment What is FAIR data in practice? What does it mean to share resources: federation or merging? What does it look like to the users: Portal or Portals? The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563

Topics for further discussion 2 of 3: How? How should EOSC be organized ? Rules of Participation Data stewardship Business model Ethics, Protection of Personal Data, etc The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563

Topics for further discussion 3 of 3: Who? Who should be engaged with EOSC ? How should communication be organised? Who is the user base? What are the users’ skills sets? Who are the providers? How to integrate with European national initiatives? How to integrate with extra-European Initiatives? The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563

Summary What are we trying to achieve? What needs to happen to achieve it? What will it look like when we have it? The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563

Domains “clustered” using EOSC Clustering Horizontal and Vertical infrastructures Domains “clustered” using EOSC

Horizontals Cooperating and Integrating Horizontal and Vertical infrastructures Horizontals Cooperating and Integrating Inter-domain Catalogue of Services “Sea” of provenanced FAIR data Methods/Software/Workflows Cross disciplinary e-infrastructure

Domain Specific user environments sharing resources Integrating Horizontal and Vertical infrastructures Domain Specific user environments sharing resources Inter-domain Catalogue of Data and Services

Invisible-Infrastructure Curated FAIR Data the researcher shouldn’t have to worry about the information infrastructure Information Infrastructure the researcher acts through ingest and access Virtual Research Environment Creation Archival Access Provenanced FAIR Data Data Shared e-Infrastructure Storage Compute Network Services Curation

Outline What are we trying to achieve? What needs to happen to achieve it? What will it look like when we have it? The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563

Open Science Conference Ljubljani 22 May 2019 EOSC What’s next? Juan Bicarregui Co-ordinator EOSCpilot Member EOSC Executive Baord (But this is a personal view) Open Science Conference Ljubljani 22 May 2019