MODULE 2 UNIT 4 Working at the Scene Allow 30 minutes for this section
Unit 4 Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this unit responders will Describe how to follow procedures for working at the scene of a potential WMD event by maintaining the crime scene and being careful not to destroy potential evidence for collection. Read this to the students
Student Performance Objectives Define the term defensive recon. Describe the elements of scene control. Explain the importance of command post security. Describe the elements of a crime. Describe how to recognize a crime scene. Read to students
Student Performance Objectives Describe the elements of a WMD crime scene Explain who will coordinate a criminal investigation. Describe how Performance – Defensive (Operations) level personnel facilitate evidence collection. Read to students
Student Performance Objectives Describe your occupational role as a Performance – Defensive (Operations) level responder at the scene. Describe the need for the National Response Plan (NRP) and how your occupational domain fits in the NRP. Read to Students
Standard Know and follow procedures for working at the scene of a potential WMD event.
Defensive Recon Site layout Device condition Physical hazards State: Defensive recon is to obtain information on site layout, device condition, physical hazards, access, and other related conditions from beyond the inner perimeter. This information can normally be obtained through threat assessments, interviews, physical observations, etc., a safe distance from the incident site
Scene Control Perimeter Minimizing contamination Command Post security State: Responders need to remember that they are the defense against further harm to bystanders and the environment. It is very important for responders to set up a control zone around the incident to contain it. By doing this you are protecting people from entering the hazard and controlling the chaos of those trying to get out of the hazard. It will be the responsibility of Law Enforcement to protect the entrance and exit of the scene. With the perimeter in place the only way to exit the scene is through the proper decontamination corridor and thereby reduces the possibility of spreading the contamination. History has shown that threats target the response efforts of an incident. Law enforcement should provide for the implementation of the emergency response plan for security.
Crime Scene Investigations and Evidence Collection What is a crime Elements of crime Felony vs. Misdemeanor What is a crime scene State: Crime is an act or the commission of an act that is forbidden or the omission of a duty that is commanded by a public law and that makes the offender liable to punishment by that law The four elements of a crime and a description of each are: Actus reus - Guilty act. (Latin) Mens rea - Mental state (Latin) Concurrence - Agreement in opinion Causation -“Process of causing”, the act of causing something to happen. It is the job of the investigator to obtain all the evidence from the scene to use against the suspect. It is then the job of the prosecutor to prove in court the previously mentioned elements for a conviction. A felony is in many jurisdictions of the US, any offence carrying a potential penalty of more than one year in prison. In contrast, misdemeanors are in general, crimes with a maximum punishment of less than one-year imprisonment A crime scene is a location where an actual crime has taken place or where there is a reasonable suspicion that a crime has taken place.
Crime Scene Investigations and Evidence Collection (cont.) Definition of a WMD crime scene Important aspects of a WMD crime scene State: A crime scene involving a WMD incorporates all the traits of the traditional crime scene with some additional components. A WMD crime scene will most likely follow an example of the FBI's threat spectrum, which includes one or more of the following: • Chemical • Biological • Radiological • Nuclear • Explosive Initial actions taken at the scene by the emergency responders are very important for preservation and proper collection of the evidence at the scene.
Criminal Investigation Suspected arson incident Evidence collection State: While not all responders will be crime scene investigators, there is a responsibility by all responders to protect the scene and to watch for very important pieces of the incident that they know will be of value to an investigative team. Fire agencies should have policy and procedures on how to handle a possible arson scene. Evidence collection should be tasked to those persons with the training and equipment to perform it properly.
Roles of Responders EMS Fire HazMat Teams Telecommunications/Dispatch Law Enforcement Discuss the role of each response entity.
Roles of Responders (cont.) Ohio EPA Ohio EMA State Homeland Security Department Ohio Department of Health Discuss the role of each entity
Primary Federal Agency Responsibilities DOJ (FBI) FEMA DOD DOE EPA HHS Discuss the role of each entity
National Response Plan From the book review the NRP
Unit 4 Review Quiz Allow 10 minutes then review answers.