FRANCE - Pakistan Trade
FRANCE WAS PAKISTAN’S 12TH LARGEST EXPORT DESTINATION IN 2018 RANK COUNTRY EXPORT VALUE (US$) % SHARE IN TOTAL EXPORTS World 23,630,893,000 1 United States of America 3,802,500,000 16% 2 China 1,818,069,000 8% 3 United Kingdom 1,728,637,000 7% 4 Afghanistan 1,347,934,000 6% 5 Germany 1,310,444,000 6 United Arab Emirates 983,575,000 4% 7 Netherlands 942,802,000 8 Spain 922,898,000 9 Bangladesh 783,825,000 3% 12 France 446,832,000 2% EU is Pakistan’s largest export market and the UK is the most important export market within the EU
FRANCE WAS THE 7TH LARGEST EXPORT DESTINATION WITHIN THE EU IN 2018 The EU is Pakistan’s largest export market representing 34% of exports France accounted for 6% of total EU exports from Pakistan in 2018. EU is Pakistan’s largest export market and the UK is the most important export market within the EU
FRANCE RANKS NO. 26 IN PAKISTAN’S IMPORT SOURCES COUNTRY IMPORT VALUE (US$) % SHARE IN TOTAL EXPORTS World 60,162,862,000 1 China 14,544,687,000 24% 2 United Arab Emirates 8,668,637,000 14% 3 Saudi Arabia 3,242,349,000 5% 4 United States of America 2,946,715,000 5 Indonesia 2,502,372,000 4% 6 Qatar 2,386,183,000 7 Japan 2,273,024,000 8 India 1,928,465,000 3% 9 Thailand 1,430,727,000 2% 26 France 457,350,000 1% EU is Pakistan’s largest export market and the UK is the most important export market within the EU
WITHIN THE EU, FRANCE WAS THE FIFTH HIGHEST EXPORTER TO PAKISTAN IN 2018 EU is Pakistan’s 3rd largest import partner after China and UAE. Imports from the EU stood at $5.46 billion in 2018. France accounts for 8% of Pakistan’s imports from the EU and 1% of total imports from the world. The UK is the second most important import supplying market of Pakistan in the EU
PAKISTAN FRANCE Trade Trends Bilateral trade increased from US$ 829 Mn in 2014 to US$ 904 Mn in 2018 i.e. by 9% in five years Pakistan’s exports to France rose by 4% during this period, thanks to 14% growth in 2014, post GSP+ Meanwhile, France’s exports to Pakistan rose by 15% during the last five years. The trade balance in 2018 is of US$ 11 Mn in favor of France.
PAKISTAN’S TOP 10 EXPORTS TO FRANCE HS CODE DESCRIPTION EXPORT VALUE 2016 (US$) EXPORT VALUE 2017 (US$) EXPORT VALUE 2018 (US$) 630231 Bedlinen of cotton (excluding printed, knitted or crocheted) 42,467,000 52,114,000 56,373,000 620322 Men's or boys' ensembles of cotton (excluding knitted or crocheted, ski ensembles and swimwear) 21,322,000 23,992,000 37,406,000 630210 Bedlinen, knitted or crocheted 26,779,000 32,898,000 32,347,000 630239 Bedlinen of textile materials (excluding of cotton and man-made fibres, printed, knitted or ... 15,653,000 17,344,000 24,973,000 420310 Articles of apparel, of leather or composition leather (excluding clothing accessories, footware ... 22,658,000 21,153,000 23,357,000 100630 Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed 5,458,000 8,521,000 23,344,000 630260 Toilet linen and kitchen linen, of terry towelling or similar terry fabrics of cotton (excluding ... 12,923,000 15,545,000 21,636,000 620342 Men's or boys' trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts, of cotton (excluding ... 25,332,000 25,490,000 17,922,000 610590 Men's or boys' shirts of textile materials, knitted or crocheted (excluding of cotton or man-made ... 16,307,000 16,447,000 15,803,000 901890 Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical or veterinary sciences, n.e.s. 14,332,000 12,193,000 14,841,000
PAKISTAN’S TOP 10 IMPORTS FROM FRANCE HS CODE DESCRIPTION IMPORT VALUE 2016 (US$) IMPORT VALUE 2017 (US$) IMPORT VALUE 2018 (US$) 841199 Parts of gas turbines, n.e.s. 5,315,000 48,888,000 54,942,000 300220 Vaccines for human medicine 37,753,000 22,456,000 42,671,000 880390 Parts of aircraft and spacecraft, n.e.s. 10,195,000 17,900,000 27,226,000 300490 Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, ... 13,813,000 13,990,000 17,435,000 300431 Medicaments containing insulin but not antibiotics, put up in measured doses "incl. those in ... 7,361,000 10,571,000 14,479,000 381121 Prepared additives for oil lubricants containing petroleum oil or bituminous mineral oil 6,581,000 5,150,000 13,209,000 300230 Vaccines for veterinary medicine 6,490,000 9,167,000 10,374,000 40410 Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening ... 12,694,000 12,343,000 8,162,000 720449 Waste and scrap of iron or steel (excluding slag, scale and other waste of the production of ... 4,807,000 5,820,000 7,999,000 840710 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engine, for aircraft 2,320,000 871,000 7,170,000
TRADE COMPLIMENTARITY* * Trade complementarity is the ability of each country to satisfy the other’s import needs from its existing export pool
ACTUAL EXPORTS IN 2018 (US$) POTENTIAL EXPORTS IN 2018 (US$) Pakistan’s Theoretical Potential* for Additional Exports to the France, 2017 Top 10 Potential Products (HS 06). Aggregate Theoretical Potential $2.5 Bn HS CODE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL EXPORTS IN 2018 (US$) POTENTIAL EXPORTS IN 2018 (US$) 100630 Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed 23,344,000 361,242,000 901890 Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical or veterinary sciences, n.e.s. 14,841,000 358,341,000 620342 Men's or boys' trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts, of cotton (excluding ... 17,922,000 331,067,000 270900 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude - 262,067,000 610910 T-shirts, singlets and other vests of cotton, knitted or crocheted 3,086,000 239,617,000 271019 Medium oils and preparations, of petroleum or bituminous minerals, not containing biodiesel, ... 235,930,000 420310 Articles of apparel, of leather or composition leather (excluding clothing accessories, footware ... 23,357,000 235,291,000 630231 Bedlinen of cotton (excluding printed, knitted or crocheted) 56,373,000 215,616,000 611595 Full-length or knee-length stockings, socks and other hosiery, incl. footwear without applied ... 704,000 214,063,000 630260 Toilet linen and kitchen linen, of terry towelling or similar terry fabrics of cotton (excluding ... 21,636,000 209,520,000 8 of the 10 high potential exports already benefit from 0% tariffs under GSP+. The two products that don’t are rice and sugar which are unlikely to receive preferential treatment even under an FTA *Theoretical potential from diverting Pakistan’s existing exports from other countries to meet France’s imports, ignoring competitiveness and tariffs
ACTUAL IMPORTS IN 2018 (US$) Pakistan’s Theoretical Potential* for Additional Imports from the France, 2017 Top 10 Potential Products (HS 06). Aggregate theoretical potential is $11.4 BN HS CODE ACTUAL IMPORTS IN 2018 (US$) POTENTIAL IMPORTS IN 2018 (US$) 271012 Light oils and preparations, of petroleum or bituminous minerals which >= 90% by volume "incl. ... 44,000 3,720,875,000 271019 Medium oils and preparations, of petroleum or bituminous minerals, not containing biodiesel, ... 1,130,000 3,114,488,000 720449 Waste and scrap of iron or steel (excluding slag, scale and other waste of the production of ... 7,999,000 941,247,000 851712 Telephones for cellular networks "mobile telephones" or for other wireless networks 2,000 833,072,000 271111 Natural gas, liquefied - 542,703,000 870321 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, incl. ... 542,106,000 390210 Polypropylene, in primary forms 42,000 539,096,000 720839 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of >= 600 mm, in coils, simply ... 465,926,000 300490 Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, ... 17,435,000 415,361,000 120510 Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds "yielding a fixed oil which has an erucic acid content ... 398,941,000 In the high potential imports of Pakistan from the UK, most products already face tariffs similar to those faced by Pakistan’s FTA partners *Theoretical potential from switching imports from existing sources to France exporters, ignoring competitiveness and tariffs