OPTIMA INCO-MPC Management Board Meeting, April 1/2 2005, Izmir DDr. Kurt Fedra ESS GmbH, Austria kurt@ess.co.at http://www.ess.co.at Environmental Software & Services A-2352 Gumpoldskirchen
MEETING OBJECTIVES Review project status WP01: presentation of D01 WP02: status report, discuss issues questionnaire and stakeholder DB WP03/6: introduction to the modeling tools WP04: water technologies, data requirements WP05: data requirements: land use, GIS, RS WP07-13 short status report on case studies WP16: dissemination status report, plans Morocco meeting, any other business
Friday, April 1 09:00-09:15 Welcome & logistics (SUMER) 09:15-09:35 Project Status (ESS) 09:35-09:45 Gender Issues Report 09:45-10:45 WP01 presentation of D01 (FEEM) 10:45-12:00 WP02 socio-economics, issues, stakeholders (IRMCo/FEEM/C.zero) 12:00-13:00 Lunch break
Friday, April 1 12:00-13:00 Lunch break 13:00-13:45 WP03 modeling tools 13:45-14:15 WP04, techno economic data 14:15-15:00 WP05 GIS, RS (LUC model) 15:00-15:45 WP16, Dissemination 15:45– breakout sessions
Saturday, April 2 Monday, Tuesday April 4/5 : 09:00-12:00 WP07 - WP13 7 Case studies, 20 minutes each, : CY, TR, LB, JO, Pal, TN, MO 12:00-13:30 lunch break 13:30-13:45 Introduction to the Modelling Workshop 13:45-15:15 Next steps, meeting, etc. 15:15--- Breakout Sessions Monday, Tuesday April 4/5 : Modeling workshop: WRM water resources management RRM Rainfall-runoff model STREAM water quality model
OPTIMA OBJECTIVE Develop a common structured approach and modeling tools to water resources management in several parallel case studies: Common approach and method for Identifying issues (questionnaire) Involve end users, stakeholders Describe the systems (common data structure) Model/optimize them (MC, discrete MAT) Analyze results with stakeholders
OPTIMA OBJECTIVE Meet the Commission Objectives with Deliverables, Reports, Cost Statements ON TIME and ON BUDGET: THIS IS ESSENTIAL !!! Meet individual objectives (??) for methodological development and the case studies ( end users ?); Produce results together: comparative analysis, dissemination, going beyond the individual pieces.
OPTIMA OBJECTIVE common structured and quantitative approach to water resources management in several parallel case studies: Common approach and method for Identifying issues Involving end users Describing the systems/problems Analyze (model/optimize) them DSS for end users
OPTIMA: Project Overview 3 year duration to JUNE 2007 Started: July 2004 Current PM: 10 of 36 or about 25% 1/4 already over !!!!!
OPTIMA: time table
OPTIMA: Milestones Milestone Description 06 18 24 33 36 Month Milestone Description M1 06 End of preparatory phase, first workshop M3 18 Case studies implemented, first results of optimisation runs M4 24 Post-optimal analysis and assessment phase initiated M5 33 Case studies completed, second stage optimisation M6 36 Project and reporting completed
OPTIMA: Work Plan Phases Requirements and constraints, DSS processes (end users, issues) Data compilation, tool development (WP03-06) Parallel case studies, shared tools, methods, approach starting in summer (PM 12) Comparative evaluation, dissemination (end users).
Work Plan (revisited) Structure the cases (WP 1) using a COMMON framework, terminology, criteria, thesaurus Physical and institutional setting (end users and stakeholders), Problems/issues (questionnaire) Data availability/constraints
WP1 (objectives) compile comprehensive lists of water management issues, problems, and respective information requirements ensure early stakeholder participation identify the major institutional structures, actors and stakeholders
WP1 (objectives) compile comprehensive lists of water management issues: On-line questionnaire: Check the set of issues, and their descriptions Check consistency of assessment and comments Prepare method for use with stakeholders
Work Plan (simple version) Structure the cases: WP 2 socio-economics, decision making processes (end user involvement) Actors, institutions Legal/regulatory framework Socio-economic development D02.1: summaries issues across cases (more contributions from key stakeholders !)
Work Plan (simple version) WP 1 and 2 define: scope, common language/structure (criteria, objectives, constraints) but also realistic context (scenarios of development) for OPTIMISATION Common approach/tools for end user involvement: D02.2
Work Plan (simple version) WP 1 and 2 CONTRIBUTE to the model application configuration/scenarios: Supply STRUCTURED, quantitative or semi-quantitative data and information: Model must be consistent with issues and stakeholder views
Work Plan (simple version) 2. Tools and data (WP 3) COMMON modeling framework: Dynamic water resources and quality model estimates: supply/demand, reliability, efficiency cost/benefit water quality compliance
Work Plan (simple version) 2. Tools and data (WP 3) Model system available on-line: First phase: simple simulation Optimization: brute forward MC plus heuristics, GP (multi-criteria, discrete reference point optimization).
Work Plan (simple version) 2. Tools and data (WP 4) techno-economic data define the variables for alternative scenarios (irrigation technologies, water saving, harvesting, recycling, desalination, plus costs of water services (supply, treatment) and benefits of water use.
Costs versus Performance Work Plan (WP 4) Techno-economic data: Organize in a data base of water technologies with: Costs versus Performance Demand and supply nodes in WaterWare incorporate water technologies affecting parameters for the optimization
Work Plan (simple version) 2. Tools and data (WP 5) Land-use data (and development scenarios) provide context for: Water demand (sectoral) Runoff characteristics, infiltration/recharge
Work Plan (simple version) 2. Tools and data (WP 5) GIS, RS: COMPATIBLE data and classification: CORINE L3, Satellite imagery (good resolution, visual band for common source BG maps) Basic GIS data: administrative, LU, infrastructure, DEM, hydro features
Work Plan (simple version) 2. Tools and data (WP 5) Land-use data (and development scenarios) provide context for: Water demand (sectoral) Runoff characteristics, infiltration/recharge
Work Plan (simple version) 2. Tools and data (WP 6) WaterWare Model system and editors plus related models (LUC, RRM, IRWDM) available on-line NOW for web access by partners and end users to explore and prepare.
Work Plan (simple version) 4. Evaluation (WP 16) Dissemination: End user involvement Web server, publications Regional dissemination workshop
OPTIMA MANAGEMENT Due in July 2005 Annual Report: First Annual Report and Cost Statement: Due in July 2005 EARLY preparation to ensure fast payments Check on-line guidelines Contact admin@ess.co.at with questions Prepare and send in to ESS DRAFT CS by June for checking and revisions Annual Report: Attach draft versions of “next Deliverables” D02.1 and D02.2