Running Your Visual Basic Program Design time is the mode in which you add controls to containers (such as forms) and write code to respond to events. The runtime environment allows you to see your program running the same way a user would. During runtime, you can see all your Visual Basic code, but you cannot modify it. Break mode allows you to pause the execution of your Visual Basic program (during runtime) to view, edit, and debug your program code.
VB Proje Dosyaları Project files (.vbp) list all project files and components in the project. The project file also contains information on the project’s environmental settings. The form modules (.frm) file contains textual descriptions of forms, controls, and their properties. The form module file can also contain form-level declarations of variables, constants, and procedures. The group project file (.vbg) contains a list of all Visual Basic projects in one group. The form data file (.frx) is created for each form. It contains binary information for graphics such as pictures and icons. Standard modules (.bas) can contain global declarations and public and external procedures. Thus, the development of a Visual Basic project involves keeping track of several different files, and accessing these files individually within the Visual Basic environment, as needed.
Kontroller (Denetimler) ve ilgili Özellikleri
You can change the properties of controls Visual Basic controls have events, properties, and methods associated with them. You can change the properties of controls when you’re designing your program (also known as design-time changes) through program code during runtime (when your program is running) You can start to see that the properties describe a control or object.
Kontrol İsimleri
Form Kontrolü Sometimes called windows or dialog boxes, forms act as an interface to programs’ functionality. Forms also serve as containers for other controls.
Sık Kullanılan Form Özellikleri
Komut Düğmesi Kontrolü Command buttons are most commonly used for starting or triggering procedures through an event.
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Tiyo If you add the ampersand (&) symbol to any control’s Caption property, it underlines the character to its immediate right. This is a useful tool for creating shortcut keys. Shortcut keys let a user hold down the Alt key and press the letter underlined to invoke the click event of that control.
Etiket Kontrolü Label controls are often used as descriptive text for other controls that do not have their own caption properties. A good example is the text box control, which has no self-describing property viewable to a user in runtime. Often, a programmer will put a label control to the left of a text box to describe what the user should enter into the text box.
Sık Kullanılan Etiket Özellikleri
Metin Kutusu Kontrolü The text box control is popular for acquiring user input and displaying various outputs. You might find it useful when expecting a user to enter either numbers or text or a combination of both. The text box control has no caption property, so a label generally signifies to the user what it is you want him or her to enter as input.
Sık Kullanılan Metin Kutusu Özellikleri
Resim Kontrolü ve Resim Kutusu Kontrolü You can use both the image control and the picture box to display various graphics (such as .bmp, .gif, .jpg, or .ico files). However, applying a number of graphics to your program can consume a lot of memory and create excessive overhead. If you plan to develop games or other graphically intensive programs with Visual Basic, it is important for you to understand each of these control’s benefits and disadvantages. Some benefits to the image control are that it uses much less memory and overhead than the picture box does and that it can re-paint itself much faster than the picture box. An advantage of the picture box is that it is actually a window or container that can contain other controls, unlike the image control.
Sık Kullanılan Resim ve Resim Kutusu Özellikleri
Çerçeve Kontrolü Like a form or a picture box, the frame control is considered a container for other controls. Frames are often used to isolate various functionalities on a form. For example, I might use frames if I were developing a loan application that had a section for the applicant and a section for the co-applicant on the same form. I would put all the applicant’s labels, text boxes, and other controls in one frame control and the co-applicant’s controls in another frame. This way, I graphically isolate groups of items or tasks. Frames also serve an important role when you use option buttons (sometimes called radio buttons) or check boxes.
Sık Kullanılan Çerçeve Özellikleri
Seçim kutusu kontrolü You use check boxes when you want to give the user the ability to select one or more choices. You should place check boxes in a container such as a frame control to denote a related grouping.
Sık Kullanılan Seçim Kutusu Özellikleri
Seçenek Düğmesi Kontrolü Option buttons are often referred to as radio buttons. The term radio button refers to old car stereos that used push-in buttons. You could push in only one button at a time. This still holds true with the concept behind the graphical option button. Option buttons are similar to check boxes with one main exception. As with the old car radio buttons, you can click only one button at a time. They are useful when you want to give a user a selection of various items but let her select only one out of many. As soon as a user selects one option button out of many, the rest of the option buttons in a group become unavailable. Like check boxes, option buttons are generally placed in a container such as a frame control.
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Lab Uygulaması: Word Art