The Battle of Bosworth, Weather and Seasons and Christmas


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Presentation transcript:

The Battle of Bosworth, Weather and Seasons and Christmas Maths Use +, - and = symbols. Know number bonds to 10. Add and subtract one digit numbers including zero. Solve one step problem that involve addition and subtraction. Recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes. Count across to 10, forwards and backwards, beginning from 0 or 1, from any given number. Count, read, and write numbers to 20 in numerals. Given a number, say one more or one less. Identify and represent numbers using objects or pictorial representations including the number line. Use language such as equal to, less than, more than, most, least. Read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words. Science Observe changes across the four seasons and describe the weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies. Ask simple questions and recognise that they can be answered in different ways. Observe closely using simple equipment. Perform simple tests. Identify and classify. Use their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions. English – Explanation Texts Adverts Posters Drama – Christmas Production Year 1 Curriculum Map The Battle of Bosworth, Weather and Seasons and Christmas Autumn Term 2 2018 Overview of Learning This term we will be …… Geography Identify seasons and daily weather patterns in the UK and the location of hot and cold areas in the world. Name and locate the four countries and capital cities of the UK using atlases and globes. PSHE Theme – Getting on and falling out Design Technology Calendars and cards. To design purposeful, functional and appealing products. R.E Theme – What do we celebrate and the Christmas story. Music Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs (Christmas production). Homework Reading 3X a week. Spellings. Reading and Spelling Year 1 Common Exceptions words. P.E Dance – Christmas Production, Streamers and Conkers Gymnastics – March, March, march and Jack and the Beanstalk History Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality.