Energy Management Introduction Rantharu Attanayake BSc. (Eng), MSc, MBA EE – Energy Management Mobile :
Learning Outcome EE – Energy Management The Student will be able to Explain importance of energy management in manufacturing Estimate energy consumption in manufacturing Describe the process of energy auditing Analyse energy conservation measures and options in manufacturing Apply principles of energy management in selection, installation and maintenance of manufacturing plant Perform energy costing in manufacturing
Learning Contents EE – Energy Management Energy Scenario and Types of Energy Sources Introduction to energy sources (Primary and renewable) Day 1 Definition and key terms Energy Systems in Manufacturing Plants Day 2 Lighting Systems Steam and Hot water distribution and Utilization systems Compressors and compressed air systems Pumps and Pumping systems Day 3 Motors and generators Waste heat recovery
Learning Contents EE – Energy Management Energy Management Definition an objectives of energy management Day 4 Principles of energy management Energy Management Strategy Energy Auditing Energy Conservation in Electrical System Electrical load management and maximum demand control Day 5 Power factor improvement techniques Effect of harmonics Star-Delta conversion techniques Variable Speed Drives (VSD) Energy conservation in electric furnaces Day 6 Pumps Compressors Fans and Blowers Lighting Systems
Learning Contents EE – Energy Management Energy Conservation in Thermal System Boiler and furnace system Day 7 Steam distribution and utilization systems HVAC systems and Cooling towers Waste heat recovery systems Insulation of Pipes and ducts Day 8 Condensate recovery systems Fuel and Combustion system Energy Economics and Accounting Day 9 Introduction to Energy Economics and Accounting Energy costing methods Simple Payback Method Net Present Value (NPV) method Internal Rate of Return (IRR) method