UTILIZING LODGE TALENT Retaining the Talent Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Learning Objectives Know that the key to “Utilizing Lodge Talent” is ”Retaining the talent” Know and understand the importance of identifying and recruiting arrowmen Understand the importance that communication, recognition and program have on retaining the talent Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Hypothetical You are the brotherhood projects committee chairman or advisor The lodge has been in a rebuilding cycle Has now achieved National Quality Lodge Your committee has been a key to success Old-timers: “Lodge has never been stronger” However… Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Hypothetical Some members of your committee have indicated that they want to “take a year off” from active leadership with brotherhood projects If so, another rebuilding period for the lodge is a certainty How are you going to retain your committee members? Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Steps in Successfully Recruiting Lodge Talent Determine what positions are needed Who are the best prospects for the job? Research the prospect list Make an appointment Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Steps in Successfully Recruiting Lodge Talent Make the sale Ask for a commitment Have a fall-back position in mind Follow-up Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
How do we retain our committee members? Question How do we retain our committee members? Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Communication Program Recognition Answer Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Communication What are some ways that your lodge committee members can effectively communicate with each other? How can we communicate the expectations of the chairman to the members? What about from the members to the chairman? Is it important to communicate with the committee? Why? Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Communication Accuracy of communication? Completeness? Written down? How can communication break down? What happens when it does? Thank-you’s: Are two little words that important? Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Program Is the program important? Why? How? What does the program provide to the membership? Quality of program? High or Low? Importance? Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Program Impact? Can one person make a difference in the program? Reverse impact? Can the program make a difference in one person? Thank-you’s: Can the program survive without them? Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Recognition Is recognition important? Why? How much recognition is enough? How much is too much? What happens when we fail to recognize? Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Recognition How can we recognize our committee members? Thank-you’s: When? Where? How? Why? Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
When it comes to retaining lodge talent, brush up on you CPR skills: Closing Thoughts When it comes to retaining lodge talent, brush up on you CPR skills: Communication Program Recognition Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Closing Thoughts Communicate get to know them, and Talk to your team members, get to know them, and find out what makes them tick. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Closing Thoughts Program how much the program needs them, and Tell your team members just how important they are to the program, how much the program needs them, and show your team members how much the program means to them. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Closing Thoughts Recognize give them a moment in the spotlight, Recognize your team members, give them a moment in the spotlight, and show them how much you appreciate them. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent
Say “Thank You” again and again and again. Closing Thoughts And don’t forget to… Say “Thank You” again and again and again. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • www.oa-bsa.org Utilizing Lodge Talent: Retaining the Talent