Year Ten Information Evening
Fresh starts and reinvention
The Trinity Mantra
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart” Standards “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart” Colossians 3:23
The VESPA model of GCSE success Vision – they know what they want to achieve Effort – they work hard and put in many hours of proactive independent study Systems – they organise their learning resources and their time Practice – they use deliberate practice and develop their skills Attitude – they have a growth mindset and respond constructively to setbacks
Vision “Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.”
Vision To sleep in To go out with friends To use social media Gaming NOW MOST To sleep in To go out with friends To use social media Gaming Watch TV Leave it until tomorrow Part time job To get into sixth form To get my apprenticeship To get into college To be a footballer, astronaut, train driver, writer, actor, doctor, teacher, electrician, plumber, nurse, midwife,…
Monday 29 June – Friday 3 July Work Experience 2020 Monday 29 June – Friday 3 July (5 Days)
How to learn to put in more effort Phase 1: Habitualise six hours a week (3 weeks) Reminder – 3:30pm Routine – One hour and fifteen minutes of activity in a quiet place, finishing at 4:45pm broken into three sections: 25 mins high intensity work, no distractions, no phone 25 mins off, relaxing, checking social media, music, stretch legs 25 mins super intense work, no distractions Reward – cuppa, biscuit, TV, exercise, whatever!
Problems with Phase 1 If you’re not used to it… Keeping it going What to fill the time with
High effort activities for Phase 1 Check organisation and legibility of notes – highlight key points Make lists of key definitions with examples Organise work into themes using mind-maps, charts, tables. diagrams, lists Use textbooks or electronic resources to reinforce and extend learning Read feedback and make a list of common mistakes and areas for improvement Compare model answers from mark schemes to your own work and make a list of what to do differently next time
How to learn to put in more effort Phase 2 – Habitualise nine hours a week (3 weeks) Reminder- 3:30pm Routine – One hour and thirty minutes of activity in a quiet place, finishing at 5pm, broken into the following five sections: 25 mins high intensity work, no distractions, no phone 5 mins off, relaxing, checking social media, music, stretch legs 25 mins super intense work, no distractions Reward
Success leaves traces
Recognising negative thinking ‘Not fair’ thinking: ‘I don’t deserve this… things shouldn’t be like this.’ ‘Catastrophe’ thinking: ‘If this goes wrong, it’ll be the end of the world.’ ‘Stopper’ thinking: ‘I’m no good at Maths. I’m bound to do badly.’ ‘Illogical’ thinking: ‘If one bad thing happens then more will follow.’ ‘Blaming’ thinking: ‘It’s his fault. It’s everyone’s fault except me.’ Overgeneralising: ‘I never get any luck. Everything’s always going wrong.’
What has your child been up to in the last year? Making waves on national radio programmes? Correcting NASA? Making Mozart requests? The Times Crossword?
Year 11 Destinations 2019
Maths Paper 1 WAGOLL
Maths Paper 2 WAGOLL
Problem 1: blanks
Problem 2: only answering short questions
Problem 3: half answers
“Practice should not be a punishment “Practice should not be a punishment. When you invest the time and creativity to make practice fun… this is something positive that is worth our time.” Lemov (2012)
Key Stage 4 Mathematics at Trinity The Classroom The Exam The Support Trinity School Michael Cookson Curriculum Leader for Mathematics Key Stage 4 Mathematics at Trinity The Classroom The Exam The Support
The Classroom Year 10 – Finishing the curriculum – Smaller classes Year 11 – Analysis, feedback and revision Lessons to prepare for exam success – 4hrs a week Extended exam paper coverage
The Classroom Exam practice throughout the year with end of term tests Mock exams Summer Y10 Winter Y11 Spring Y11 Groups reset to reflect progress
The Exam AQA GCSE Mathematics – Linear – 3 Papers of Equal Weighting – 1hr 30 – 80 marks Paper 1 – Non Calculator Paper 2 – Calculator Paper 3 – Calculator No Coursework Exam tier based upon targets and progress made
The Exam Casio Claswiz Series Casio fx-85gtx GCSE Casio fx-991ex A-Level Casio fx-85gtx Casio fx-991ex
The Exam Fluency (10M10M) Reasoning (Nrich) Problem Solving
The Support Formal Intervention and revision sessions will begin in Y11 Personalised feedback – linked to Mathswatch Next step sheets Regular feedback Mock analysis No such thing as no homework…
The Support Mathswatch – an online bank of videos, worksheets and interactive questions Graded topics A variety of fluency, reasoning and problem solving
The Support CGP Revision guides and exam practice workbooks Reading a textbook/revision guide is not revision – doing maths is!
Any year (even pre reform) Develop exam technique The Support PAST PAPERS!!! Any exam board Any year (even pre reform) Develop exam technique
GCSE English Language & English Literature GBA GCSE English Language & English Literature
I haven’t got any homework... You can’t revise for English...
You may remember… Do they spend a comparable amount of time at home?
I’m Sure You’ve Heard...
The Times They Are A-Changin’ Again (Again) All exam-based. Your child will get a GCSE grade 1 to 9. Results are norm-referenced.
Skills... Developing interpretations of symbolic meanings of texts Finding an Individual Voice Analysing Language, Form & Structure Whole-Text Organisation Extended, Developed Written Pieces Inferring and Deducing Finding Quotes Grammar (Advanced) Understanding what you’ve read Spelling & Vocabulary
How does your child compare? Can they write complex, interesting texts at 16 words a minute? What are they reading?
Are they reading at all?
Brave New World: Y11 Two exams. Reading section includes VICTORIAN non fiction.
There are another eight grades above this. How well your child writes two pieces in June 2021 will decide 50% of their overall GCSE Language grade.
Quality non-fiction… high-level vocabulary… developed, cohesive paragraphing…
So... Start now... Be involved in your child’s reading. Look at their writing... Use all the resources available...
I haven’t got any homework... You can’t revise for English...
Have they? Condensed some lesson notes Produced flashcards based on a character/scene/chapter Made a mind map Planned an essay Written all or part of an exam response Annotated a model answer Highlighted five new words in a newspaper article Read a book
AHP: Interims and reports
Attendance, support Only about one in four students with attendance less than 95% achieve 5 A*-C GCSEs. Missing just 17 days in one year (90%) can cause a drop of a full grade at GCSE. Only about one in ten students with less than 80% attendance achieve 5 A*-C GCSEs
Year Ten Information Evening