EUROSOFIN Project Social dialogue in the financial sector in Europe : contribution to anticipation and restructuring (VS 2013/0355) Brussels, EUROSOFIN International Conference, 11 February 2015 Dr Vassil Kirov, Patrick Thill LISER, Luxembourg
Facts and Figures in Brief INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2015 Social dialogue in the financial sector in Europe: Contribution to anticipation and restructuring EUROSOFIN project Facts and Figures in Brief Timespan – 1st of December 2013 – 28th of February 2015 Coverage – five EU member states Consortium – 5 partners – ASTREES, CEPS (LISER), FORBA, FSAB, WLRI, LondonMet (support of social partners) Objectives – increase knowledge, initiate debates, support networking Activities – research, debates, national seminars and final international conference, networking Dissemination – website (13.145 visits), reports, media, scientific publications and conferences (Poland, Greece, Canada, etc.).
Thanks for your attention INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2015 Social dialogue in the financial sector in Europe: Contribution to anticipation and restructuring EUROSOFIN project Thanks for your attention For more information: http:///