Homeroom: Write your name and print your teachers’ names (clearly) in the appropriate blanks leaving room on the right side for teachers to sign.
Bell ringer: Show Me the Evidence Complete the first two columns.
Diversity in the United States Diversity is a major feature of U.S. and Canadian culture. Both have a diverse mix of races, languages, religions and nationalities. In the U.S., early cultures included indigenous (native) tribes, European settlers, and Africans who had been forced over by slavery. After independence, immigrants came from many parts of Europe seeking freedom and opportunity.
Let’s popcorn read.. Diversity in the U.S. – 2nd paragraph only Pg. 116 1-2 sentences each
Complete Waves of Immigration Graphic Organizer
Video Quick Write: Immigration
American Culture is diversity Immigrants bring not only their cultures, but also their skills and ambitions. They play a major role in the economy. In fact, many immigrants come here for the freedom to start a business or career. Tolerance, acceptance of different views, is an important American value.
Diversity in Canada
The Media Culture Mass media refers to communication that reaches large audiences. Traditionally, this meant newspapers, radio, and television. Today, mass media also includes the rapid and continuous flow of information through personal electronic devices.
Let’s popcorn read.. “Print Media to Electronic Media” Pg. 118 2-3 sentences each
Video Quick Write: Effect of Mass Media