Behavioral & Structural Adaptations Science SOL 4.5.a


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Presentation transcript:

Behavioral & Structural Adaptations Science SOL 4.5.a Gail Moore Instructional Technology Resource Teacher Betsy Brown Elementary Resource Teacher Amherst County Public Schools

Adaptations An adaptation is a way an animal’s body helps it survive, or live, in its environment. An adaptation is a trait that makes an animal suited to its environment. It can be a behavioral or a structural trait.

Behavioral Adaptations Organisms have behavioral adaptations, or certain types of activities they perform, which help them meet a life need. Behavioral adaptations include activities that help an animal survive. Behavioral adaptations can be learned or instinct (a behavior an animal is born with). Behavioral changes can change quickly.

Examples: Some animals live in groups, while others live by themselves

Some animals migrate like geese and butterflies for better food supply and climate

The opossum “plays” dead for protection from its enemies Some animals “freeze” for protection like rabbits

Some animals hibernate to survive through the winter like bears and bats

An animal’s instinct

Structural Adaptation Structural adaptations are physical features of an organism like a fin on a fish or feathers on a bird. A structural adaptation involves some part of an animal’s body such as body movement, body coverings, type of appendages, and body shape. Structural adaptation happens over a long period of time by changing the animal’s genetic traits.

Examples: Structural characteristics like a giraffe’s long neck or an elephant’s long trunk.

Fins for swimming, wings for flying, legs for running, or type of teeth

Camouflage where an animals blends into its surroundings like a chameleon that changes color according to its surroundings

Mimicry which allows one animal to look, sound, or act like another animal to fool predators into thinking it is poisonous or dangerous like the king snake.

Students will…. Take Pre-Assessment: What Kind of Thinker Are You? After you determine which thinker you are, complete that activity. Complete the Show What You Know sheet. Complete the Behavioral/Structural Adaptations Inspiration Sort and print.

Creative Thinker You are a scientist studying life in a rainforest habitat. You have discovered a new animal living in this habitat. List three behavioral and structural adaptations this new animal has that allows it to survive in this habitat. Draw a diagram of this animal labeling the parts that match the adaptations you listed.

Practical Thinker A zookeeper has a new animal arriving at the zoo soon. Choose from the following animals: bison, hummingbird, or alligator. Identify three behavioral and structural adaptations that a zookeeper will have to keep in mind while preparing the new arrival’s habitat. Draw a diagram of the animal’s habitat labeling the parts that match the adaptations you listed.

Analytical Thinker See your teacher for your beaver diagram. Label three structural adaptations of a beaver. List at least three behavioral adaptations the beaver possesses. Justify or explain the need for these adaptations.