TODAY More Pronunciation Practice: Your Problem Areas Group activity – Story time The Simpsons 1, 2, 3… NO CHINESE!! Shining told me you all repeat new words I say, but in Chinese. WHY? YOU ALREADY KNOW THE CHINESE WORD! SAY IT IN ENGLISH!
Th V R S L More Practice Thinking Other Clothing Author Mouth Move Movie Value R Sorry Roll Row Raw Red S Athens Answer Asset Something Seventh L Color Love Will Silly Lollipop
EXAMPLE SENTENCES The author was thinking about how sorry he was that his answer to the seventh editor was silly. She loved her clothing so much that the color red would roll and move around her mouth. Will the raw lollipop in Athens roll in this direction, or will the value of the movie be less than expected?
DIFFICULT WORDS World (WERE – uld) Filth (FILL – TH) Oil (OY – l) Civil (SIV- ul) Usually (YOU-ZHU-uh-lee) World War II and the Civil War were not fought over oil, but were unusually filthy wars.
ACTIVITY Let’s see how creative you are… Get in groups of about 5 people. Together, each group will write a story. The story must have these elements: Must have at least two characters Must have an animal Must begin in China and end in America Must have a celebrity (does not count as a character) Must be entertaining!