Giving is Penn’s Way Penn’s Way 2020
Agenda What is Penn’s Way? Last year’s campaign This year’s goals Penn’s Way is a charitable campaign run every year through the University and the health system. The campaign is run by the administrative fellows with the support of executive leadership and the university. We partner with PA alliance for change and United Way to support various charities, and encourage all employees to participate for their favorite causes. What is Penn’s Way? Last year’s campaign This year’s goals Marketing Campaign toolkit Raffles Social media campaign ePledging information Report information
Last Year’s Campaign UPHS Participation goal: 83% Fundraising goal: $1.65 million $825,000 from Health System $825,000 from University Total funds raised by the health system: $962,355.36 Average health system participation: 83%
FY 2020 Penn’s Way Campaign Goals Re-record This year our overarching goals for the campaign are: to raise 1.65 million dollars.. As a reminder, many of us donate to many organizations throughout the year, so you do not need to donate in order to participate in Penn’s Way, we will discuss this concept more during the portion of the training which focuses on how to pledge. Total fundraising goal: $1.7 million! $850,000 Health System $850,000 University of Pennsylvania Campaign dates: October 1st – November 15th
Entity Breakdown of Fundraising Goals This goal is broken down into entity goals. Please use this chart a reference point for your entities goals for fundraising.
Penn’s Way Photoshoot We also have some amazing marketing materials this year. Please reach out to your campaign managers or coordinators if you have not received any posters for your areas.
Penn’s Way Photoshoot We also have some amazing marketing materials this year. Please reach out to your campaign managers or coordinators if you have not received any posters for your areas.
Penn’s Way Intranet Button Penn’s Way Email Footer Penn’s Way Graphics Penn’s Way Intranet Button Penn’s Way Pin Penn’s Way Email Footer
Your Penn’s Way Campaign Tool Kit There are many resources available to help you reach these goals and they are all in the Penn’s Way Campaign Tool Kit. A few of them are outlined on this slide. I review the details of some of these tools over the next few slides in this presentation. Training PowerPoint Marketing Materials To be picked up and distributed by captains/coordinators. Each hospital and satellite office has a contact where the materials were sent. Website: Agency List Pledge Form Pins, pens, chapstick and pop-sockets Social Media Campaign #OurWayPennsWay Email blasts Campaign Managers
University and Health System Raffles This slide provides details on the University and UPHS weekly raffles. A larger prize will be awarded during the middle of the campaign A grand prize will be awarded the final week of the campaign All participating University and Health System employees are eligible! Completed ePledge entry or submit a paper pledge form by 12:00 pm each Friday during the campaign Winners will be randomly selected on the Monday after the raffle deadline
Snap Shot of the Raffle Prizes This is a snap shot of some of the prizes that will be raffled off this year Free haircut at Super Cuts Wine tasting at local vineyard Gift cards to restaurants throughout Philadelphia Wawa gift basket Autographed Eagles memorabilia Passes to Longwood Gardens Penn Football tickets Private make-up class for 6 ….and, an exciting grand prize!
#OurWayPennsWay Social Media Campaign For the first time we are holding a Penn’s Way Social Media Campaign to help us all share our stories about why all give! By posting to any of your personal public social media accounts a chance to be part of the Penn’s Way Poster Photoshoot next year! If you do not have a public account but still want to share a story, you can send a picture which illustrates why you give with verbiage of 140 characters or less to and we will share it on our @Pennsway Instagram Page! By posting to social media accounts there is a chance to be part of the Penn’s Way Poster Photoshoot next year New tag board link will be available where people can text to participate as well. Encourage your co-workers to share! Check your e-mail inbox during the campaign for more info
Details on the ePledge Pledging is quick and easy! The following are some additional details about the ePledge: You do not need to donate in order to participate. Those who give elsewhere throughout the year can select the box which says “participates elsewhere,” when they log-in to pledge to do this. If you or one of the employees in your section needs to modify their pledge, please let your coordinator or any of the campaign managers know. Pledging is quick and easy! Requires Penn Key and Password Same method of accessing KnowledgeLink education Employee information is pre-loaded and will populate upon login Interfaces directly with UPHS payroll, but a credit card and checks can also be used (NO CASH DONATIONS) “Participates elsewhere” box on the electronic form A pledge can be modified through duration of campaign by Coordinators (aka Bonded agents) Confirmation email should be saved by donor
Details on Reporting The “Coordinator Report” menu option provides UPHS Penn’s Way Administrators, Coordinators and Captains with access to their respective Captain Reports despite the menu option not being referenced as such. Use these reports to monitor progress within your department(s) and follow-up with individuals as needed. These are CSV files that will open up as Excel spreadsheets. If you want to preserve a particular report for a specific date and time, please save these files to your personal drive. Captains only see their department(s). Captains see participation only, not $ amounts Will send out a “how-to” as a follow up to this training.
Campaign Managers Nida Al-Ramahi Brieana Downs Mary Harnish Evan Roman
THANK YOU! If you have any questions, please reach out to one of the Campaign managers whose contact information is on the following slide.