(c) 2019 ThousandTongues.org, admin Thousand Tongues Speak to Us (c) 2019 ThousandTongues.org, admin Thousand Tongues Verse 1: Speak to Your children, Son of God, Help us to hear Your voice; Speak with Your words of peace and love, And let our hearts rejoice. Tell of Your grace and mercy, Lord, Tell of Your cleansing blood, Tell of Your cross and sacrifice, Tell us we are beloved.
Chorus: Speak to us, Let us hear Your voice, O Lord. (c) 2019 ThousandTongues.org, admin Thousand Tongues Chorus: Speak to us, Let us hear Your voice, O Lord.
(c) 2019 ThousandTongues.org, admin Thousand Tongues Speak to Us (c) 2019 ThousandTongues.org, admin Thousand Tongues Verse 2: Conquer our cold and wand'ring hearts, Draw us by love divine, Sever the veil that hides Your face, Come, let Your glory shine. Pour out Your power, mighty Lord, Break ev'ry stubborn will: Root out the unbelief within And teach us to be still.
Chorus: Speak to us, Let us hear Your voice, O Lord. (c) 2019 ThousandTongues.org, admin Thousand Tongues Chorus: Speak to us, Let us hear Your voice, O Lord.
(c) 2019 ThousandTongues.org, admin Thousand Tongues Speak to Us (c) 2019 ThousandTongues.org, admin Thousand Tongues Verse 3: Dwell in our hearts by faith, O Lord, Speak for our need is great; Tell us again that we are Yours, Speak till our fears abate. Speak to the day, and it shall break; Speak till the shadows flee: That we may know You as You are, That we may truly see.
Chorus: Speak to us, Let us hear Your voice, O Lord. (c) 2019 ThousandTongues.org, admin Thousand Tongues Chorus: Speak to us, Let us hear Your voice, O Lord.