Week 1 Thursday LR 2 + Academic Style Jiaxin Xu (Samantha) February 23, 2017
LR 2 vocab. Worksheet + discussions Academic Style in writing Agenda LR 2 vocab. Worksheet + discussions Academic Style in writing
LR 2 Vocabulary Worksheet
Collocations (what words go before; what words go after)
LR 2 discussion skills p. 74
p. 75 task B Every student has a slip of functional language. Try to use your functional language in the discussion. Do not start a new question until everyone has contributed. After you finish, let me know
How can cities persuade people to reduce pollution? Creative and feasible (easy to use) solns: Public ads: commericals (ads with pictures and motions) showing the consequences of pollution/ present ways individuals can help reduce pollution The Government can lower the ticket prices of public transportation; The government provides prizes/awards to individuals/companies dedicating to reduce pollution Instead of doing military training for XJTLU freshmen, the school can organize tree-planting and garbage-picking activities, river-cleaning
good collocations and expressions …enforce laws to prohibit smoking …obey the laws Create public advertisements to show the consequences… Help people realize how serious the problem is…
Academic Style Writing Formal Objective (logic/no personal feeling involved) Serious Academic writing skills: Paraphrase (explain one sentence in a different way) Precise (accurate and detailed)
Academic Style Worksheet In a pair or group of 3, do part I together.
Academic style- part 2
Academic Style Checklist
What does it mean by peer editing? What is the difference between peer editing and peer review?
“correct” means to circle the error and provide a correct answer. Peer editing Use a red pen to correct the informal style in a peer’s writing. Use the formality checklist for guide. “correct” means to circle the error and provide a correct answer. Do not focus on grammar. Academic style is the only focus.
To begin with (not very formal) Informal language First, Second, Third Big/good Nowadays To begin with (not very formal) Only do people take public transportations can they reduce air pollution. (absolute)
Homework Due Friday Study the “grammar and terminology” worksheet AND the “compound and complex sentence slides” (course website). Prepare for a game on Friday. “CSR PDF reading” p 293- p295 (course website). Understand the definition of CSR and find one example of CSR (e.g. Tesla motors is producing electric cars that are environment-friendly)