Transcriptomic Analysis of GmSIN1 OE-1 Transgenic Soybean. Transcriptomic Analysis of GmSIN1 OE-1 Transgenic Soybean. (A) and (B) Numbers of genes showing differential expression between GmSIN1 OE-1 transgenic soybeans and Wei6823 (A) or between non-NaCl–stressed and NaCl-stressed seedlings (B). WT, wild type. (C) Hierarchical cluster analysis of the overlapping genes from (B) differentially expressed in NaCl-treated Wei6823 versus mock-treated Wei6823 and GmSIN1 OE-1 versus Wei6823. The numerical values in the yellow-to-blue gradient bar represent log2-fold change relative to the control sample. WT, wild type. (D) Correlation of the overlapping genes from (B) differentially expressed in NaCl-treated Wei6823 versus mock-treated Wei6823 and GmSIN1 OE-1 versus Wei6823. Cor, correlation; WT, wild type. (E) Pathways that were statistically enriched in DEGs in GmSIN1 OE-1 versus Wei6823 RNA-seq data. The numbers near the columns indicate the number of DEGs with corresponding annotation and the P-value, respectively. (F) GO terms that were statistically enriched in differentially expressed genes in GmSIN1 OE-1 versus Wei6823 RNA-seq assay. The numbers near the columns indicate the number of DEGs with corresponding annotation and the q value, respectively. (G) Heatmap of differential expression of ABA biosynthesis, ABA signaling, ROS generation, and ROS scavenging-related genes in GmSIN1 OE-1 versus Wei6823. The numerical values for the yellow-to-blue gradient bar represent log2-fold change relative to the control sample. WT, wild type. Shuo Li et al. Plant Cell 2019;31:2107-2130 ©2019 by American Society of Plant Biologists