Register Allocation Harry Xu CS 142 (b) 05/08/2018
Register Allocation Assigning a large number of program variables to a small number of CPU registers for improved performance Motivation A developer often allocates arbitrarily many variables The compiler must decide how to allocate these variables to a small, finite set of registers
Basic Idea Variable liveness analysis Two variables that will be used at the same time cannot be allocated to the same register Some variables will be held in RAM and loaded in/out for every read/write, a process called spilling Assigning as many variables to registers as possible Memory accesses are slower
Reaching Definition Analysis A classic dataflow analysis to understand what variables are live simultaneously at a given program point A backward analysis that computes dataflow facts from the end of the program Given an (SSA) statement s, there are four important sets the analysis needs to maintain Gen[s]: the set of variables used in s Kill[s]: the set of variables that are assigned values in s Live-in[s]: the set of variables that are simultaneously live before s is executed Live-out[s]: the set of variables that are simultaneously live after s is executed
Liveness Analysis (Cond) Initial setup Live-out[final] = ∅ Gen[a:= b + c] = {b, c} Kill[a:= b + c] = {a} Dataflow equations Lives-in[s] = Gen[s] ∪(Lives-out[s] – Kill[s]) Lives-out[s] = ∪p∊succ(s) Live-in[p]
An Example Gen(L1) = {}, Kill(L1) = {a} L1: a = 3; L2: b = 5; L3: d = 4; L4: x = 100; L5: if a > b then L6: c = a + b; L7: d = 2; L8: endif L9: c = 4; L10:return b * d + c; Gen(L1) = {}, Kill(L1) = {a} Gen(L2) = {}, Kill(L2) = {b} Gen(L3) = {}, Kill(L3) = {d} Gen(L4) = {}, Kill(L4) = {x} Gen(L5) = {a, b}, Kill(L5) = {} Gen(L6) = {a, b}, Kill(L6) = {c} Gen(L7) = {}, Kill(L7) = {d} Gen(L8) = {}, Kill(L8) = {} Gen(L9) = {}, Kill(L9) = {c} Gen(L10) = {b, d, c}, Kill(L5) = {} Worklist = { L10 }
Compute Liveness L1: a = 3; L2: b = 5; L3: d = 4; L4: x = 100; L5: if a > b then L6: c = a + b; L7: d = 2; L8: endif L9: c = 4; L10:return b * d + c; Live-out = {} Live-in = {b, d, c} Lives-in[s] = Gen[s] ∪(Lives-out[s] – Kill[s]) Lives-out[s] = ∪p∊succ(s) Live-in[p] Worklist = {L9}
Compute Liveness L1: a = 3; L2: b = 5; L3: d = 4; L4: x = 100; L5: if a > b then L6: c = a + b; L7: d = 2; L8: endif L9: c = 4; L10:return b * d + c; Live-out = {b, d, c} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {} Live-in = {b, d, c} Lives-in[s] = Gen[s] ∪(Lives-out[s] – Kill[s]) Lives-out[s] = ∪p∊succ(s) Live-in[p] Worklist = {L8}
Compute Liveness L1: a = 3; L2: b = 5; L3: d = 4; L4: x = 100; L5: if a > b then L6: c = a + b; L7: d = 2; L8: endif L9: c = 4; L10:return b * d + c; Live-out = {b,d} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {b,d,c} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {} Live-in = {b, d, c} Lives-in[s] = Gen[s] ∪(Lives-out[s] – Kill[s]) Lives-out[s] = ∪p∊succ(s) Live-in[p] Worklist = {L7, L5}
Compute Liveness L1: a = 3; L2: b = 5; L3: d = 4; L4: x = 100; L5: if a > b then L6: c = a + b; L7: d = 2; L8: endif L9: c = 4; L10:return b * d + c; Live-out = {b, d} Live-in = {b} Live-out = {b,d} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {b, d, c} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {} Live-in = {b, d, c} Lives-in[s] = Gen[s] ∪(Lives-out[s] – Kill[s]) Lives-out[s] = ∪p∊succ(s) Live-in[p] Worklist = {L6, L5}
Compute Liveness L1: a = 3; L2: b = 5; L3: d = 4; L4: x = 100; L5: if a > b then L6: c = a + b; L7: d = 2; L8: endif L9: c = 4; L10:return b * d + c; Live-out = {b} Live-in = {b, a} Live-out = {b, d} Live-in = {b} Live-out = {b, d} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {b, d, c} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {} Live-in = {b, d, c} Lives-in[s] = Gen[s] ∪(Lives-out[s] – Kill[s]) Lives-out[s] = ∪p∊succ(s) Live-in[p] Worklist = {L5}
Compute Liveness L1: a = 3; L2: b = 5; L3: d = 4; L4: x = 100; L5: if a > b then L6: c = a + b; L7: d = 2; L8: endif L9: c = 4; L10:return b * d + c; Live-out = {b, a, d} Live-in = {b, a, d} Live-out = {b} Live-in = {b, a} Live-out = {b, d} Live-in = {b} Live-out = {b, d} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {b, d, c} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {} Live-in = {b, d, c} Lives-in[s] = Gen[s] ∪(Lives-out[s] – Kill[s]) Lives-out[s] = ∪p∊succ(s) Live-in[p] Worklist = {L4}
Compute Liveness L1: a = 3; L2: b = 5; L3: d = 4; L4: x = 100; L5: if a > b then L6: c = a + b; L7: d = 2; L8: endif L9: c = 4; L10:return b * d + c; Live-out = {b, a, d} Live-in = {b, a, d} Live-out = {b, a, d} Live-in = {b, a, d} Live-out = {b} Live-in = {b, a} Live-out = {b, d} Live-in = {b} Live-out = {b, d} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {b, d, c} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {} Live-in = {b, d, c} Lives-in[s] = Gen[s] ∪(Lives-out[s] – Kill[s]) Lives-out[s] = ∪p∊succ(s) Live-in[p] Worklist = {L3}
Compute Liveness L1: a = 3; L2: b = 5; L3: d = 4; L4: x = 100; L5: if a > b then L6: c = a + b; L7: d = 2; L8: endif L9: c = 4; L10:return b * d + c; Live-out = {b, a, d} Live-in = {b, a} Live-out = {b, a, d} Live-in = {b, a, d} Live-out = {b, a, d} Live-in = {b, a, d} Live-out = {b} Live-in = {b, a} Live-out = {b, d} Live-in = {b} Live-out = {b, d} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {b, d, c} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {} Live-in = {b, d, c} Lives-in[s] = Gen[s] ∪(Lives-out[s] – Kill[s]) Lives-out[s] = ∪p∊succ(s) Live-in[p] Worklist = {L2}
Compute Liveness L1: a = 3; L2: b = 5; L3: d = 4; L4: x = 100; L5: if a > b then L6: c = a + b; L7: d = 2; L8: endif L9: c = 4; L10:return b * d + c; Live-out = {b, a} Live-in = {a} Live-out = {b, a, d} Live-in = {b, a} Live-out = {b, a, d} Live-in = {b, a, d} Live-out = {b, a, d} Live-in = {b, a, d} Live-out = {b} Live-in = {b, a} Live-out = {b, d} Live-in = {b} Live-out = {b, d} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {b, d, c} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {} Live-in = {b, d, c} Lives-in[s] = Gen[s] ∪(Lives-out[s] – Kill[s]) Lives-out[s] = ∪p∊succ(s) Live-in[p] Worklist = {L1}
Compute Liveness L1: a = 3; L2: b = 5; L3: d = 4; L4: x = 100; L5: if a > b then L6: c = a + b; L7: d = 2; L8: endif L9: c = 4; L10:return b * d + c; Live-out = {a} Live-in = { } Live-out = {b, a} Live-in = {a} Live-out = {b, a, d} Live-in = {b, a} Live-out = {b, a, d} Live-in = {b, a, d} Live-out = {b, a, d} Live-in = {b, a, d} Live-out = {b} Live-in = {b, a} Live-out = {b, d} Live-in = {b} Live-out = {b, d} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {b, d, c} Live-in = {b, d} Live-out = {} Live-in = {b, d, c} Lives-in[s] = Gen[s] ∪(Lives-out[s] – Kill[s]) Lives-out[s] = ∪p∊succ(s) Live-in[p] Worklist = {}
Handling of Loops A fixed-point computation needs to be performed The next statement is not added into the worklist if Live-out and Live-in of the current statement no longer change
Interference Graph Each node represents a variable Each edge connects two variables which can be live at the same time Register allocation is reduced to the problem of k-coloring the interference graph a b x c d
K-Coloring An NP-complete problem For this graph, three colors are sufficient a b x c d
Algorithms Brute-force search Other algorithms Try every of the kn assignments of k colors to n vertices and checks if each assignment is legal The process repeats for k = 1, 2, …, n – 1 Impractical for all but small input graphs Other algorithms Dynamic programming Parallel algorithms
X86 Registers General registers Segment registers Index and pointers EAX EBX ECX EDX Segment registers CS DS ES FS GS SS Index and pointers ESI EDI EBP EIP ESP Indicator EFLAGS Never use EBX and EBP
Output For each register, the set of variables that can be allocated to it The result of this phase will be used by the final code generation phase to guide the actual register allocation