Wendy Mann/GIS Service, Hillman Library (ULS) wendym@pitt.edu, 412.648.7726, http://www.library.pitt.edu/libraries/gis/gis.html Concept Technical Approach Library service to assist University students, staff and faculty in locating GIS data and maps for research projects. - Catalog available datasets through the library catalog (PITTCat). - List access to selected data sets and GIS reference tools through the GIS service web page. Application Collaborations University faculty and courses which utilize GIS. Acquire data which supports research needs of students and faculty. Federal Depository Library Program Refer users to Visual Information Systems Center for technical assistance and data as necessary. - Acquire datasets to be used with GIS projects either through purchasing or receiving on deposit through the Federal Depository Library Program. (ULS is an FDL library.) Answer questions regarding data and projects. Provide library instruction on GIS and information about the GIS service for University classes. Provide access to ArcGIS software.