Setting the foundations for zero net loss of the mangroves that underpin human wellbeing in the North Brazil Shelf LME “ To improve human well-being by promoting the long-term sustainable use, restoration & effective management of the regions critical mangrove ecosystems ” Expected Outcomes ISSUES Low lying. High vulnerability of >90% coastal communities to sea level rise impacts and increasing flood risk. Limited, disperse understanding and appreciation of critical mangrove systems + their goods and services to NBS societal resilience. ICM coordination and organizational challenges for Guyana and Suriname under a shifting coastal geomorphology. Limited capacity for comprehensive and complementary national and regional strategies. Generate necessary baseline knowledge and technical assessments for critical knowledge gaps in Guyana and Suriname. Strengthen national capacity, NBS knowledge sharing and appropriate coastal practice towards a shared ICM road map. Advance inclusion of NBS mangroves as critical habitat and ICM development as part of the CLME+ SAP process. Objectives – an 18 month project finalizing Oct 2019. 1. To generate the necessary baseline knowledge and technical assessments as inputs towards a collaborative vision and a coordinated well-informed management of NBS mangrove systems, with emphasis on the information needs of Guyana and Suriname. 2. To support development of transboundary coordination mechanism(s) between the countries of Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Brazil (state of Amapá) towards the improved integrated coastal management of the extensive, ecologically connected yet vulnerable mangrove habitat of the NBS region. An 18 month primer project to help establish process for NBS Integrated Coastal Management (ICM), recognizing the prevalence, socio-ecological importance and connectivity of mangroves in retention of key ecosystem services (fisheries, coastal defenses, water quality, blue carbon etc.) to communities between the NBS countries. Support focused on Suriname and Guyana to consolidate and encourage regional knowledge sharing and coastal best practice.. This builds on and supports the recent antecedents and elements of the regional agreement established within the CLME+ Strategic Action Plan for the NBS region in which mangroves is identified as a critical habitat for improved coastal management. [GEF IW6 – MSP: Apr 2018 – Sept 2019] (18 mo)