Welcome to The Early Years Foundation Stage Reception Reginald Mitchell Primary School Welcome to The Early Years Foundation Stage Reception
Reception Staff Miss Oliver & Mrs Fowell Monday – Friday
EYFS at Reginald Mitchell Primary School The aim of this welcome meeting is to provide you with an overview of *The EYFS *Our Curriculum *Home – School Links *How to help your child to succeed at school *Reception Check lists
Reception and Nursery are part of the EYFS. The E.Y.F.S. is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the Reception year. It is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning.
Areas of learning… PRIME AREAS Personal, Social and Emotional Development 2. Communication and Language 3. Physical Development These are crucial for developing children's curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. Then there are 4 SPECIFIC AREAS 4. Literacy 5. Mathematics 6. Understanding the world; 7. Expressive arts and design
Topics Autumn 1- The World and I/Awesome Autumn. Autumn 2- Celebrations. Spring 1- Dinosaurs. Spring 2- Growth and Change. Summer 1- Under the Sea. Summer 2- Traditional Fairytales. Trips will be planned to link with topics. Information will be as soon as possible and provided in advance.
Our Daily Routine 8.45am Start of the reception day, meet and greet, chn put their coats on their pegs and then find their names using dinner sticks – choosing their own dinner. 9.00am Registration 9.00-9.10am Whole Class Literacy Input 9.25am Literacy Session linked to our topic (Busy Bee Learning, Outdoor Activities (Weather Dependent) linked to the topic and literacy). 10.30am Break 10.45am Phonics 11.10am-11.40am Interventions (Booster Sessions), Guided Reading or Sticker Charts – Don’t Worry! 11.50 – 1.00pm Lunch 1.00pm – 2.00pm Maths (3 Sessions), ICT, UTW, PSED, EAD, Busy Bee Learning, Outdoor Activities. 2.00pm – 2.15pm Break 2.15pm – 3.00pm 1:1 Readers, Handwriting Practise, Squiggle. 3.00pm – 3.10pm Home Time Prep & Story Time
In addition… Daily fine motor skills session- to develop body muscles and early writing skills. YOUR TURN! Let’s Squiggle…….. Daily phonics sessions- to develop speaking and listening skills/environmental sounds/segmenting and blending (parent workshops to follow) Weekly reading Interventions
Intervention Tailored for your child. When children are not making the expected progress. Individual or small groups in class. Intervention Activities are planned and delivered by a member of staff Parents will be kept informed and activities might be sent home. Tailored for your child.
Learning at home Reading books Bags will be kept in school everyday. New reading books will be changed the day that the children read in school which is why we need their book bags everyday. Please write a comment on how your child gets on inside their reading diary (already been given). Sticker charts – Letter sounds and words. Please try to read even just a little bit with your child every night or practise their sticker chart with them.
Homework New homework activity sheets will be sent home each half term linked to the topic that is being taught. There will be 6 different activities to choose from. The school requirement is that your child completes at least 3 of the activities each half term. The homework needs to be handed in during the week before half term to be marked (not every week) New homework will then be given out linked to the next topic. A homework book will be provided. A copy of the homework will be provided on the school website for additional reference. Any questions, support or resources needed then please ask.
Keeping in Contact School Website- first point of contact- will be updated. School Newsletter Class letters- via email or hard copy. Text messaging service Please ask if you need any holiday forms etc Comments in home / school reading diaries. Opportunities for you to join us in the learning classroom. Parents evening, sharing targets and achievements. Drop in – Monday 3.15-4pm with Miss Oliver PTFA – Volunteering. Early years workshops-Leaflet Provided 2Simple- 2 observations each half term (please make sure we have your current email address). You can also share your experiences with us using 2Simple.
How Can You Help? Encourage children to be independent including coming into school themselves. Encourage children to dress themselves and put on their own shoes and coat (labelled –PLEASE!!!). Help them to recognise letters and numbers in the environment using cursive script. Play games and encourage sharing and turn taking. Practise using and holding scissors and pencils correctly. Read and share books with your child as often as possible. Ask them questions to check their understanding. Encourage children to begin to recognise their name. Please take a copy of the cursive script letter formation to help your child begin forming each letter at home.
Reception Check List Please label all items of clothing including shoes, PE kits, bags, coats, wellies, hats and scarves etc… Outdoor clothing can now be kept at school if you wish. PE day is Friday (Afternoon). Please make sure that all PE kits are brought in ASAP. These are to be kept in school and sent home every half term to be washed. No jewellery to be worn and earrings to be removed before PE day. Please ensure you let a member of staff know who is collecting your child each day. If anybody different is collecting your child, please leave a brief description and ensure they know the password. Water and a piece of fruit are provided every session. Spare clothes to be left in school for accidents.
Wider school information.. Attendance – if your child is ill, then please contact the office early on the first morning of absence. Attendance target – 96.5% Holiday requests- please ask for a form. Injury at home form. New contact forms available if your details change.
Every child does matter! Your child’s interests are vital in our planning to ensure that we provide stimulating and exciting opportunities that engage all children. Please let us know if your child enjoys an activity at home – Proud cloud. For example, a day trip somewhere new, learn to ride his/her bike, write own name, learnt to swim etc….this can also be recorded on the 2simple online learning journal.
Celebrating Learning Rainbow challenges Team points LOL Learner of the Lesson Eco Reps School Council Super Spitfires Secret Spotter
Behaviour Management Going for Gold Reception class rules Calm reading area
Thank-you for coming to our Any Questions? We have an open door policy, so if there are any concerns, please do not hesitate to come and speak to us. Any questions about the information you have been given today please speak to any member of the EYFS team. Thank-you for coming to our Welcome Meeting